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Custom Operations

Custom Operations allow you to create new types of steps for flows. They are developed using JavaScript / Node.js. Learn more about Operations.

Extension Entrypoints

Your operation has two entrypoints. The App entrypoint is the app file and the API entrypoint is the api file inside the src/ folder of your extension package.

App Entrypoint

The App entrypoint exports a configuration object with options to configure the appearance of your operation. When loading your operation, this object is imported by the Directus App host.

Example of an entrypoint:

export default {
	id: 'custom',
	name: 'Custom',
	icon: 'box',
	description: 'This is my custom operation!',
	overview: ({ text }) => [
			label: 'Text',
			text: text,
	options: [
			field: 'text',
			name: 'Text',
			type: 'string',
			meta: {
				width: 'full',
				interface: 'input',
export default {
	id: 'custom',
	name: 'Custom',
	icon: 'box',
	description: 'This is my custom operation!',
	overview: ({ text }) => [
			label: 'Text',
			text: text,
	options: [
			field: 'text',
			name: 'Text',
			type: 'string',
			meta: {
				width: 'full',
				interface: 'input',

Available Options

  • id — The unique key for this operation. It is good practice to scope proprietary operations with an author prefix.
  • name — The human-readable name for this operation.
  • icon — An icon name from the material icon set, or the extended list of Directus custom icons.
  • description — A short description (<80 characters) of this operation shown in the App.
  • overview — An overview that will be shown on the operation's tile. Can be either a function that receives the options of the operation and returns an array of objects containing label and text or a dedicated Vue component.
  • options — The options of your operation. Can be either an options object or a dedicated Vue component.

API Entrypoint

The API entrypoint exports a configuration object with options to configure the behavior of your operation. When loading your operation, this object is imported by the Directus API host.

Example of an entrypoint:

export default {
	id: 'custom',
	handler: ({ text }) => {
export default {
	id: 'custom',
	handler: ({ text }) => {

Available Options

  • id — The unique key for this operation. It is good practice to scope proprietary operations with an author prefix.
  • handler — The operations's handler function.

Extension Id

The extension id needs to be identical for both entrypoints in order for Directus to recognize them as part of the same extension.

Handler Function

The handler function defined inside the API endpoint will be called whenever the flow the operation is connected to is executed. To trigger the operation connected to the resolve anchor, the handler function has to return a value. To trigger the operation connected to the reject anchor, the handler function has to throw with a value. This value will then be added to the data chain.

The handler function receives the two parameters options and context. options is an object with the operation's options as properties and their respective already interpolated values. context is an object with the following properties:

  • services — All API internal services.
  • database — Knex instance that is connected to the current database.
  • getSchema — Async function that reads the full available schema for use in services
  • env — Parsed environment variables.
  • loggerPino instance.
  • data — Object containing the raw data returned by the previous operations.
  • accountability — Information about the current user received by the trigger.


Learn how to build operations with our official guides: