Configuration Options
Environment variables are used for all configuration within a Directus project. These variables can be defined in a number of ways, which we cover below.
Configuration Files
By default, Directus will read the .env
file located next to your project's package.json
(typically in the root folder of your project) for its configuration. You can change this path and filename by setting the CONFIG_PATH
environment variable before starting Directus. For example:
CONFIG_PATH="/path/to/config.js" npx directus start
CONFIG_PATH="/path/to/config.js" npx directus start
In case you prefer using a configuration file instead of environment variables, you can also use the CONFIG_PATH
environment variable to instruct Directus to use a local configuration file instead of environment variables. The config file can be one of the following formats:
If the config path has no file extension, or a file extension that's not one of the other supported formats, Directus will try reading the file config path as environment variables. This has the following structure:
If you prefer a single JSON file for your configuration, create a JSON file with the environment variables as keys, for example:
"HOST": "",
"PORT": 8055,
"DB_CLIENT": "pg",
"DB_HOST": "localhost",
"DB_PORT": 5432
// etc
"HOST": "",
"PORT": 8055,
"DB_CLIENT": "pg",
"DB_HOST": "localhost",
"DB_PORT": 5432
// etc
Similar to JSON, you can use a .yaml
(or .yml
) file for your config:
PORT: 8055
DB_HOST: localhost
DB_PORT: 5432
# etc
PORT: 8055
DB_HOST: localhost
DB_PORT: 5432
# etc
Using a JavaScript file for your config allows you to dynamically generate the configuration of the project during startup.
By default, the file is expected to be a ESM, while CommonJS is supported too by using .cjs
as the file extension.
The JavaScript configuration supports two different formats, either an Object Structure where the key is the environment variable name:
export default {
HOST: '',
PORT: 8055,
DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
DB_HOST: 'localhost',
DB_PORT: 5432,
// etc
export default {
HOST: '',
PORT: 8055,
DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
DB_HOST: 'localhost',
DB_PORT: 5432,
// etc
module.exports = {
HOST: '',
PORT: 8055,
DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
DB_HOST: 'localhost',
DB_PORT: 5432,
// etc
module.exports = {
HOST: '',
PORT: 8055,
DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
DB_HOST: 'localhost',
DB_PORT: 5432,
// etc
Or a Function Structure that returns the same object format as above. The function gets p
as its parameter.
export default function (env) {
return {
HOST: '',
PORT: 8055,
DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
DB_HOST: 'localhost',
DB_PORT: 5432,
// etc
export default function (env) {
return {
HOST: '',
PORT: 8055,
DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
DB_HOST: 'localhost',
DB_PORT: 5432,
// etc
module.exports = function (env) {
return {
HOST: '',
PORT: 8055,
DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
DB_HOST: 'localhost',
DB_PORT: 5432,
// etc
module.exports = function (env) {
return {
HOST: '',
PORT: 8055,
DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
DB_HOST: 'localhost',
DB_PORT: 5432,
// etc
Environment Variable Files
Any of the environment variable values can be imported from a file, by appending _FILE
to the environment variable name. This is especially useful when used in conjunction with Docker Secrets, so you can keep sensitive data out of your compose files. For example:
Type Casting and Nesting
Environment variables are automatically type cast based on the structure of the variable, for example:
// ""
// 3306
// false
// ["s3", "local", "example"]
// ""
// 3306
// false
// ["s3", "local", "example"]
In cases where the environment variables are converted to a configuration object for third party library use, like in DB_*
or REDIS_*
, the environment variable will be converted to camelCase. You can use a double underscore (__
) for nested objects:
client: "pg",
connectionString: "postgresql://postgres:example@",
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
client: "pg",
connectionString: "postgresql://postgres:example@",
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
Environment Syntax Prefix
Directus will attempt to automatically type cast environment variables based on context clues. If you have a specific need for a given type, you can tell Directus what type to use for the given value by prefixing the value with {type}:
. The following types are available:
Syntax Prefix | Example | Output |
string | string:value | "value" |
number | number:3306 | 3306 |
regex | regex:\.example\.com$ | /\.example\.com$/ |
array | array:, array:string:,regex:\.example3\.com$ | ["", ""] ["", /\.example3\.com$/] |
json | json:{"items": ["example1", "example2"]} | {"items": ["example1", "example2"]} |
Explicit casting is also available when reading from a file with the _FILE
Variable | Description | Default Value |
CONFIG_PATH | Where your config file is located. See Configuration Files | .env |
HOST | IP or host the API listens on. | |
PORT | What port to run the API under. | 8055 |
UNIX_SOCKET_PATH | The Unix socket the API listens on, PORT and HOST will be ignored if this is provided. | -- |
PUBLIC_URL [1] | URL where your API can be reached on the web. | / |
LOG_LEVEL | What level of detail to log. One of fatal , error , warn , info , debug , trace or silent . | info |
LOG_STYLE | Render the logs human readable (pretty) or as JSON. One of pretty , raw . | pretty |
LOG_HTTP_IGNORE_PATHS | List of HTTP request paths which should not appear in the log, for example /server/ping . | -- |
MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE | Controls the maximum request body size. Accepts number of bytes, or human readable string. | 1mb |
ROOT_REDIRECT | Redirect the root of the application / to a specific route. Accepts a relative path, absolute URL, or false to disable. | ./admin |
SERVE_APP | Whether or not to serve the Data Studio | true |
GRAPHQL_INTROSPECTION | Whether or not to enable GraphQL Introspection | true |
GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_CACHE_CAPACITY | How many user GraphQL schemas to store in memory | 100 |
GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_GENERATION_MAX_CONCURRENT | How many GraphQL schemas can be generated simultaneously | 5 |
MAX_BATCH_MUTATION | The maximum number of items for batch mutations when creating, updating and deleting. | Infinity |
MAX_RELATIONAL_DEPTH | The maximum depth when filtering / querying relational fields, with a minimum value of 2 . | 10 |
QUERY_LIMIT_DEFAULT | The default query limit used when not defined in the API request. | 100 |
QUERY_LIMIT_MAX | The maximum query limit accepted on API requests. | -1 |
ROBOTS_TXT | What the /robots.txt endpoint should return | User-agent: *\nDisallow: / |
TEMP_PATH | Where Directus' temporary files should be managed | ./node_modules/.directus |
MIGRATIONS_PATH | Where custom migrations are located | ./migrations |
[1] The PUBLIC_URL value is used for things like OAuth redirects, forgot-password emails, and logos that needs to be publicly available on the internet.
Additional Logger Variables
environment variables are passed to the options
configuration of a Pino
instance. All LOGGER_HTTP*
environment variables are passed to the options
configuration of a Pino-http
instance. Based on your project's needs, you can extend the LOGGER_*
environment variables with any config you need to pass to the logger instance. If a LOGGER_LEVELS key is added, these values will be passed to the logger frontmatter, as described here for example. The format for adding LEVELS values is: LOGGER_LEVELS="trace:DEBUG,debug:DEBUG,info:INFO,warn:WARNING,error:ERROR,fatal:CRITICAL"
Variable | Description | Default Value |
SERVER_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT | Timeout in milliseconds for socket to be destroyed | server.keepAliveTimeout |
SERVER_HEADERS_TIMEOUT | Timeout in milliseconds to parse HTTP headers | server.headersTimeout |
SERVER_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT | Timeout in milliseconds before the server is forcefully shut down | 1000 |
Additional Server Variables
environment variables are merged with server
instance properties created from http.Server. This allows to configure server behind a proxy, a load balancer, etc. Be careful to not override methods of this instance otherwise you may incur into unexpected behaviors.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
DB_CLIENT | Required. What database client to use. One of pg or postgres , mysql , oracledb , mssql , sqlite3 , cockroachdb . | -- |
DB_HOST | Database host. Required when using pg , mysql , oracledb , or mssql . | -- |
DB_PORT | Database port. Required when using pg , mysql , oracledb , or mssql . | -- |
DB_DATABASE | Database name. Required when using pg , mysql , oracledb , or mssql . | -- |
DB_USER | Database user. Required when using pg , mysql , oracledb , or mssql . | -- |
DB_PASSWORD | Database user's password. Required when using pg , mysql , oracledb , or mssql . | -- |
DB_FILENAME | Where to read/write the SQLite database. Required when using sqlite3 . | -- |
DB_CONNECTION_STRING | When using pg , you can submit a connection string instead of individual properties. Using this will ignore any of the other connection settings. | -- |
DB_EXCLUDE_TABLES | CSV of tables you want Directus to ignore completely | spatial_ref_sys,sysdiagrams |
DB_CHARSET / DB_CHARSET_NUMBER | Charset/collation to use in the connection to MySQL/MariaDB | UTF8_GENERAL_CI |
DB_VERSION | Database version, in case you use the PostgreSQL adapter to connect a non-standard database. Not normally required. | -- |
DB_HEALTHCHECK_THRESHOLD | Healthcheck timeout threshold in ms. | 150 |
Additional Database Variables
All DB_*
environment variables are passed to the connection
configuration of a Knex
instance. This means, based on your project's needs, you can extend the DB_*
environment variables with any config you need to pass to the database instance.
This includes:
prefixed options which are passed totarn.js
prefixed options which are passed to the respective database driver.For example
which can be used to specify a custom CA certificate for SSL connections. This is required if the database server CA is not part of Node.js' trust store.Note:
may be preferred to load the CA directly from a file, see Environment Variable Files for more information.
Directus requires Redis for multi-container deployments. This ensures that things like caching, rate-limiting, and WebSockets work reliably across multiple containers of Directus.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
REDIS_ENABLED | Whether or not Redis should be used. Defaults to whether or not you have any of the vars below configured | -- |
REDIS | Redis connection string, e.g., redis://user:password@ . Using this will ignore the other Redis connection parameter environment variables | -- |
REDIS_HOST | Hostname of the Redis instance, e.g., "" | -- |
REDIS_PORT | Port of the Redis instance, e.g., 6379 | -- |
REDIS_USERNAME | Username for your Redis instance, e.g., "default" | -- |
REDIS_PASSWORD | Password for your Redis instance, e.g., "yourRedisPassword" | -- |
Redis is required when you run Directus load balanced across multiple containers/processes.
Additional Redis Variables
environment variables are passed to the connection
configuration of a Redis
instance. This means, based on your project's needs, you can extend the REDIS_*
environment variables with any config you need to pass to the Redis instance.
This includes:
prefixed options which are passed toSentinelConnectionOptions
is required for specifying sentinel instances and expects to receive an array of objects:REDIS_SENTINELS=json:[{"host": "", "port": 26379}, ...]
For example:
REDIS_NAME: "redis-cache" # Sentinel cluster name REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD: <password> REDIS_SENTINELS: 'json:[{"host": <fdqn or ip>, "port": 26379}]'
REDIS_NAME: "redis-cache" # Sentinel cluster name REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD: <password> REDIS_SENTINELS: 'json:[{"host": <fdqn or ip>, "port": 26379}]'
Make sure to explicitly prefix the value with
so it will be treated as a json array.
Data Retention
Variable | Description | Default Value |
RETENTION_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable custom data retention settings. false will not delete data. | false |
RETENTION_SCHEDULE | The cron schedule at which to check for removable records, the default is once a day at 00:00. | 0 0 * * * |
RETENTION_BATCH | The maximum number of records to delete in a single query. | 500 |
ACTIVITY_RETENTION | The maximum amount of time to retain directus_activity records or false to disable. This excludes flow logs. | 90d |
REVISIONS_RETENTION | The maximum amount of time to retain directus_revisions records or false to disable. | 90d |
FLOW_LOGS_RETENTION | The maximum amount of time to retain flow logs or false to disable. | 90d |
Variable | Description | Default Value |
SECRET [1] | Secret string for the project. | Random value |
ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL | The duration that the access token is valid. | 15m |
EMAIL_VERIFICATION_TOKEN_TTL | The duration that the email verification token is valid. | 7d |
REFRESH_TOKEN_TTL | The duration that the refresh token is valid. This value should be higher than ACCESS_TOKEN_TTL resp. SESSION_COOKIE_TTL . | 7d |
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_DOMAIN | Which domain to use for the refresh token cookie. Useful for development mode. | -- |
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SECURE | Whether or not to set the secure attribute for the refresh token cookie. | false |
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_SAME_SITE | Value for sameSite in the refresh token cookie. | lax |
REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME | Name of the refresh token cookie. | directus_refresh_token |
SESSION_COOKIE_TTL | The duration that the session cookie/token is valid, and also how long users stay logged-in to the App. | 1d |
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN | Which domain to use for the session cookie. Useful for development mode. | -- |
SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE | Whether or not to set the secure attribute for the session cookie. | false |
SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITE | Value for sameSite in the session cookie. | lax |
SESSION_COOKIE_NAME | Name of the session cookie. | directus_session_token |
SESSION_REFRESH_GRACE_PERIOD | The duration during which a refresh request will permit recently refreshed sessions to be used, thereby preventing race conditions in refresh calls | 10s |
LOGIN_STALL_TIME | The duration in milliseconds that a login request will be stalled for, and it should be greater than the time taken for a login request with an invalid password | 500 |
REGISTER_STALL_TIME | The duration in milliseconds that a registration request will be stalled for, and it should be greater than the time taken for a registration request with an already registered email | 750 |
PASSWORD_RESET_URL_ALLOW_LIST | List of URLs that can be used as reset_url in /password/request | -- |
USER_INVITE_TOKEN_TTL | The duration that the invite token is valid. | 7d |
USER_INVITE_URL_ALLOW_LIST | List of URLs that can be used as invite_url in /users/invite | -- |
USER_REGISTER_URL_ALLOW_LIST | List of URLs that can be used as verification_url in /users/register | -- |
IP_TRUST_PROXY | Settings for express' trust proxy setting | true |
IP_CUSTOM_HEADER | What custom request header to use for the IP address | false |
ASSETS_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY | Custom overrides for the Content-Security-Policy header for the /assets endpoint. See helmet's documentation on helmet.contentSecurityPolicy() for more information. | -- |
IMPORT_IP_DENY_LIST [2] | Deny importing files from these IP addresses / IP ranges / CIDR blocks. Use to match any local IP address. |, |
CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY_* | Custom overrides for the Content-Security-Policy header. See helmet's documentation on helmet.contentSecurityPolicy() for more information. | -- |
HSTS_ENABLED | Enable the Strict-Transport-Security policy header. | false |
HSTS_* | Custom overrides for the Strict-Transport-Security header. See helmet's documentation for more information. | -- |
[1] When SECRET
is not set, a random value will be used. This means sessions won't persist across system restarts or horizontally scaled deployments. Must be explicitly set to a secure random value in production.
[2] localhost can get resolved to ::1
as well as
depending on the system - ensure to include both if you want to specifically block localhost.
Cookie Strictness
Browser are pretty strict when it comes to third-party cookies. If you're running into unexpected problems when running your project and API on different domains, make sure to verify your configuration for REFRESH_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME
Variable | Description | Default Value |
HASH_MEMORY_COST | How much memory to use when generating hashes, in KiB. | 4096 (4 MiB) |
HASH_LENGTH | The length of the hash function output in bytes. | 32 |
HASH_TIME_COST | The amount of passes (iterations) used by the hash function. It increases hash strength at the cost of time required to compute. | 3 |
HASH_PARALLELISM | The amount of threads to compute the hash on. Each thread has a memory pool with HASH_MEMORY_COST size. | 1 (single thread) |
HASH_TYPE | The variant of the hash function (0 : argon2d, 1 : argon2i, or 2 : argon2id). | 2 (argon2id) |
HASH_ASSOCIATED_DATA | An extra and optional non-secret value. The value will be included Base64 encoded in the parameters portion of the digest. | -- |
Argon2's hashing function is used by Directus for three purposes: 1) hashing user passwords, 2) generating hashes for the Hash
field type in collections, and 3) the generate a hash API endpoint.
All HASH_*
environment variable parameters are passed to the argon2.hash
function. See the node-argon2 library options page for reference.
Memory Usage
will affect the amount of memory directus uses when computing hashes; each thread gets HASH_MEMORY_COST
amount of memory, so the total additional memory will be these two values multiplied. This may cause out of memory errors, especially when running in containerized environments.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
CORS_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable the CORS headers. | false |
CORS_ORIGIN | Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Use true to match the Origin header, or provide a domain or a CSV of domains for specific access | false |
CORS_METHODS | Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. | GET,POST,PATCH,DELETE |
CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS | Value for the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. | Content-Type,Authorization |
CORS_EXPOSED_HEADERS | Value for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. | Content-Range |
CORS_CREDENTIALS | Whether or not to send the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. | true |
CORS_MAX_AGE | Value for the Access-Control-Max-Age header. | 18000 |
More Details
For more details about each configuration variable, please see the CORS package documentation.
Rate Limiting
You can use the built-in rate-limiter to prevent users from hitting the API too much. Simply enabling the rate-limiter will set a default maximum of 50 requests per second, tracked in memory.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
RATE_LIMITER_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable rate limiting per IP on the API. | false |
RATE_LIMITER_POINTS | The amount of allowed hits per duration. | 50 |
RATE_LIMITER_DURATION | The time window in seconds in which the points are counted. | 1 |
RATE_LIMITER_STORE | Where to store the rate limiter counts. One of memory , redis . | memory |
RATE_LIMITER_HEALTHCHECK_THRESHOLD | Healthcheck timeout threshold in ms. | 150 |
RATE_LIMITER_GLOBAL_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable global rate limiting on the API. | false |
RATE_LIMITER_GLOBAL_POINTS | The total amount of allowed hits per duration. | 1000 |
RATE_LIMITER_GLOBAL_DURATION | The time window in seconds in which the points are counted. | 1 |
RATE_LIMITER_GLOBAL_HEALTHCHECK_THRESHOLD | Healthcheck timeout threshold in ms. | 150 |
RATE_LIMITER_REGISTRATION_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable rate limiting per IP on the user registration. | true |
RATE_LIMITER_REGISTRATION_POINTS | The amount of allowed hits per duration. | 5 |
RATE_LIMITER_REGISTRATION_DURATION | The time window in seconds in which the points are counted. | 60 |
used, you must also provide the following configurations:
Example: Basic
# 10 requests per 5 seconds
# globally 100 requests per 5 seconds
# 10 requests per 5 seconds
# globally 100 requests per 5 seconds
Pressure-based rate limiter
This rate-limiter prevents the API from accepting new requests while the server is experiencing high load. This continuously monitors the current event loop and memory usage, and error out requests with a 503 early when the system is overloaded.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
PRESSURE_LIMITER_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable pressure-based rate limiting on the API. | true |
PRESSURE_LIMITER_SAMPLE_INTERVAL | The time window for measuring pressure in ms. | 250 |
PRESSURE_LIMITER_MAX_EVENT_LOOP_UTILIZATION | The maximum allowed utilization where 1 is 100% loop utilization. | 0.99 |
PRESSURE_LIMITER_MAX_EVENT_LOOP_DELAY | The maximum amount of time the current loop can be delayed in ms. | 500 |
PRESSURE_LIMITER_MAX_MEMORY_RSS | The maximum allowed memory Resident Set Size (RSS) in bytes. | false |
PRESSURE_LIMITER_MAX_MEMORY_HEAP_USED | The maximum allowed heap usage in bytes. | false |
PRESSURE_LIMITER_RETRY_AFTER | Sets the Retry-After header when the rate limiter is triggered. | false |
Directus has a built-in data-caching option. Enabling this will cache the output of requests (based on the current user and exact query parameters used) into configured cache storage location. This drastically improves API performance, as subsequent requests are served straight from this cache. Enabling cache will also make Directus return accurate cache-control headers. Depending on your setup, this will further improve performance by caching the request in middleman servers (like CDNs) and even the browser.
Internal Caching
In addition to data-caching, Directus also does some internal caching. Note CACHE_SCHEMA
which is enabled by default. This speed up the overall performance of Directus, as we don't want to introspect the whole database on every request.
Assets Cache
and Last-Modified
headers for the /assets
endpoint are separate from the regular data-cache. Last-Modified
comes from modified_on
DB field. This is useful as it's often possible to cache assets for far longer than you would cache database content. To learn more, see Assets.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
CACHE_ENABLED | Whether or not data caching is enabled. | false |
CACHE_TTL [1] | How long the data cache is persisted. | 5m |
CACHE_CONTROL_S_MAXAGE | Whether to not to add the s-maxage expiration flag. Set to a number for a custom value. | 0 |
CACHE_AUTO_PURGE [2] | Automatically purge the data cache on actions that manipulate the data. | false |
CACHE_AUTO_PURGE_IGNORE_LIST [3] | List of collections that prevent cache purging when CACHE_AUTO_PURGE is enabled. | directus_activity,directus_presets |
CACHE_SYSTEM_TTL [4] | How long CACHE_SCHEMA is persisted. | -- |
CACHE_SCHEMA [4] | Whether or not the database schema is cached. One of false , true | true |
CACHE_SCHEMA_MAX_ITERATIONS [4] | Safe value to limit max iterations on get schema cache. This value should only be adjusted for high scaling applications. | 100 |
CACHE_SCHEMA_SYNC_TIMEOUT | How long to wait for other containers to message before trying again | 10000 |
CACHE_SCHEMA_FREEZE_ENABLED | Whether or not to freeze the schema to improve memory efficiency | false |
CACHE_NAMESPACE | How to scope the cache data. | system-cache |
CACHE_STORE [5] | Where to store the cache data. Either memory , redis . | memory |
CACHE_STATUS_HEADER | If set, returns the cache status in the configured header. One of HIT , MISS . | -- |
CACHE_VALUE_MAX_SIZE | Maximum size of values that will be cached. Accepts number of bytes, or human readable string. Use false for no limit | false |
CACHE_SKIP_ALLOWED | Whether requests can use the Cache-Control header with no-store to skip data caching. | false |
CACHE_HEALTHCHECK_THRESHOLD | Healthcheck timeout threshold in ms. | 150 |
Based on your project's needs, you might be able to aggressively cache your data, only requiring new data to be fetched every hour or so. This allows you to squeeze the most performance out of your Directus instance. This can be incredibly useful for applications where you have a lot of (public) read-access and where updates aren't real-time (for example a website). CACHE_TTL
uses ms
to parse the value, so you configure it using human readable values (like 2 days
, 7 hrs
, 5m
allows you to keep the Directus API real-time, while still getting the performance benefits on quick subsequent reads.
[3] The cache has to be manually cleared when requiring to access updated results for collections in CACHE_AUTO_PURGE_IGNORE_LIST
[4] Not affected by the CACHE_ENABLED
For larger projects, you most likely don't want to rely on local memory for caching. Instead, you can use the above CACHE_STORE
environment variable to use redis
as the cache store.
File Storage
By default, Directus stores all uploaded files locally on disk. However, you can also configure Directus to use S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure, Cloudinary or Supabase. You can also configure multiple storage adapters at the same time. This allows you to choose where files are being uploaded on a file-by-file basis. In the Data Studio, files will automatically be uploaded to the first configured storage location (in this case local
). The used storage location is saved under storage
in directus_files
File Storage Default
If you don't provide any configuration for storage adapters, this default will be used:
Case sensitivity
The location value(s) you specify should be capitalized when specifying the additional configuration values. For example, this will not work:
STORAGE_s3_DRIVER="s3" # Will not work, lowercase "s3" ❌
STORAGE_s3_DRIVER="s3" # Will not work, lowercase "s3" ❌
but this will work:
STORAGE_S3_DRIVER="s3" # Will work, "s3" is uppercased ✅
STORAGE_S3_DRIVER="s3" # Will work, "s3" is uppercased ✅
Variable | Description | Default Value |
STORAGE_LOCATIONS | A CSV of storage locations (e.g., local,digitalocean,amazon ) to use. You can use any names you'd like for these keys. | local |
For each of the storage locations listed, you must provide the following configuration:
Variable | Description | Default Value |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_DRIVER | Which driver to use, either local , s3 , gcs , azure , cloudinary , supabase | |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_ROOT | Where to store the files on disk | '' |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_HEALTHCHECK_THRESHOLD | Healthcheck timeout threshold in ms. | 750 |
Based on your configured driver, you must also provide the following configurations:
Local (local
Variable | Description | Default Value |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_ROOT | Where to store the files on disk | -- |
S3 (s3
Variable | Description | Default Value |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_KEY | User key | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_SECRET | User secret | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_FORCE_PATH_STYLE | S3 Force Path Style | false |
[1] When overriding this variable for S3, make sure to add your bucket's region in the endpoint: s3.{region}
Azure (azure
Variable | Description | Default Value |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_CONTAINER_NAME | Azure Storage container | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_ACCOUNT_NAME | Azure Storage account name | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_ACCOUNT_KEY | Azure Storage key | -- |
Google Cloud Storage (gcs
Variable | Description | Default Value |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_KEY_FILENAME | Path to key file on disk | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_BUCKET | Google Cloud Storage bucket | -- |
Cloudinary (cloudinary
Variable | Description | Default Value |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_CLOUD_NAME | Cloudinary Cloud Name | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_API_KEY | Cloudinary API Key | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_API_SECRET | Cloudinary API Secret | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_ACCESS_MODE | Default access mode for the file. One of public , authenticated . | -- |
One-way sync
Cloudinary is supported as a storage driver. Changes made on Cloudinary are not synced back to Directus, and Directus won't rely on Cloudinary's asset transformations in the /assets
Supabase (supabase
Variable | Description | Default Value |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_SERVICE_ROLE | The admin service role JWT | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_BUCKET | Storage bucket | -- |
STORAGE_<LOCATION>_ENDPOINT | Optional custom endpoint | -- |
Using a custom endpoint will overwrite the project id, so you need to provide the full endpoint url.
Example: Multiple Storage Adapters
Below showcases a CSV of storage location names, with a config block for each:
When uploading an image, Directus persists the description, title, and tags from available Exif metadata. For security purposes, collection of additional metadata must be configured:
Variable | Description | Default Value |
FILE_METADATA_ALLOW_LIST | A comma-separated list of metadata keys to collect during file upload. Use * for all[1]. | ifd0.Make,ifd0.Model,exif.FNumber,exif.ExposureTime,exif.FocalLength,exif.ISOSpeedRatings |
[1]: Extracting all metadata might cause memory issues when the file has an unusually large set of metadata
Upload Limits
Variable | Description | Default Value |
FILES_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE | Maximum file upload size allowed. For example 10mb , 1gb , 10kb | -- |
FILES_MIME_TYPE_ALLOW_LIST | Allow list of mime types that are allowed to be uploaded. Supports glob syntax | */* |
Chunked Uploads
Large files can be uploaded in chunks to improve reliability and efficiency, especially in scenarios with network instability or limited bandwidth. This is implemented using the TUS protocol.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
TUS_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable the chunked uploads | false |
TUS_CHUNK_SIZE | The size of each file chunks. For example 10mb , 1gb , 10kb | 8mb |
TUS_UPLOAD_EXPIRATION | The expiry duration for uncompleted files with no upload activity | 10m |
TUS_CLEANUP_SCHEDULE | Cron schedule to clean up the expired uncompleted uploads | 0 * * * * |
Chunked Upload Restrictions
Some storage drivers have specific chunk size restrictions. The TUS_CHUNK_SIZE
must meet the relevant restrictions for the storage driver(s) being used.
Storage Driver | TUS_CHUNK_SIZE Restriction |
storage-driver-gcs | Must be a power of 2 with a minimum of 256kb (e.g. 256kb , 512kb , 1024kb ) |
storage-driver-azure | Must not be larger than 100mb |
storage-driver-cloudinary | Must not be smaller than 5mb |
Variable | Description | Default Value |
ASSETS_CACHE_TTL | How long assets will be cached for in the browser. Sets the max-age value of the Cache-Control header. | 30d |
ASSETS_TRANSFORM_MAX_CONCURRENT | How many file transformations can be done simultaneously | 25 |
ASSETS_TRANSFORM_IMAGE_MAX_DIMENSION | The max pixel dimensions size (width/height) that is allowed to be transformed[^1] | 6000 |
ASSETS_TRANSFORM_TIMEOUT | Max time spent trying to transform an asset | 7500ms |
ASSETS_TRANSFORM_MAX_OPERATIONS | The max number of transform operations that is allowed to be processed (excludes saved presets) | 5 |
ASSETS_INVALID_IMAGE_SENSITIVITY_LEVEL | Level of sensitivity to invalid images. See the sharp.failOn option | warning |
Image transformations can be fairly heavy on memory usage. If you're using a system with 1GB or less available memory, we recommend lowering the allowed concurrent transformations to prevent you from overflowing your server.
[^1]: The maximum value is the square root of Node's Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
, or 95,906,265 at time of writing. Be advised: transforming gigantic files can hurt your server performance and cause outages.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
AUTH_PROVIDERS | A comma-separated list of auth providers. | -- |
AUTH_DISABLE_DEFAULT | Disable the default auth provider | false |
For each auth provider you list, you must also provide the following configuration:
Variable | Description | Default Value |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_DRIVER | Which driver to use, either local , oauth2 , openid , ldap , saml | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_MODE | Whether to use 'cookie' or 'session' authentication mode when redirecting. Applies to the following drivers oauth2 , openid , saml | session |
You may also be required to specify additional variables depending on the auth driver. See configuration details below.
Multiple Providers
Directus users can only authenticate using the auth provider they are created with. It is not possible to authenticate with multiple providers for the same user.
Local (local
The default Directus email/password authentication flow.
No additional configuration required.
SSO (oauth2
and openid
Directus' SSO integrations provide powerful alternative ways to authenticate into your project. Directus will ask you to login on the external service, and return authenticated with a Directus account linked to that service.
For example, you can login to Directus using a GitHub account by creating an OAuth 2.0 app in GitHub and adding the following configuration to Directus:
More example SSO configurations can be found here.
These flows rely on the PUBLIC_URL
variable for redirecting. Ensure the variable is correctly configured.
OAuth 2.0
Variable | Description | Default Value |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_CLIENT_ID | Client identifier for the OAuth provider. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret for the OAuth provider. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_SCOPE | A white-space separated list of permissions to request. | email |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_AUTHORIZE_URL | Authorization page URL of the OAuth provider. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ACCESS_URL | Access token URL of the OAuth provider. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_PROFILE_URL | User profile URL of the OAuth provider. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_IDENTIFIER_KEY | User profile identifier key [1]. Will default to EMAIL_KEY . | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_EMAIL_KEY | User profile email key. | email |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_FIRST_NAME_KEY | User profile first name key. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_LAST_NAME_KEY | User profile last name key. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ALLOW_PUBLIC_REGISTRATION | Automatically create accounts for authenticating users. | false |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_DEFAULT_ROLE_ID | A Directus role ID to assign created users. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_SYNC_USER_INFO | Set user's first name, last name and email from provider's user info on each login. | false |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ICON | SVG icon to display with the login link. See options here. | account_circle |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_LABEL | Text to be presented on SSO button within App. | <PROVIDER> |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_PARAMS | Custom query parameters applied to the authorization URL. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_REDIRECT_ALLOW_LIST | A comma-separated list of external URLs (including paths) allowed for redirecting after successful login. | -- |
[1] When authenticating, Directus will match the identifier value from the external user profile to a Directus users "External Identifier".
OpenID is an authentication protocol built on OAuth 2.0, and should be preferred over standard OAuth 2.0 where possible.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_CLIENT_ID | Client identifier for the external service. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_CLIENT_SECRET | Client secret for the external service. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_SCOPE | A white-space separated list of permissions to request. | openid profile email |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ISSUER_URL | OpenID .well-known discovery document URL of the external service. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_IDENTIFIER_KEY | User profile identifier key [1]. | sub [2] |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ALLOW_PUBLIC_REGISTRATION | Automatically create accounts for authenticating users. | false |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_REQUIRE_VERIFIED_EMAIL | Require created users to have a verified email address. | false |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_DEFAULT_ROLE_ID | A Directus role ID to assign created users. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_SYNC_USER_INFO | Set user's first name, last name and email from provider's user info on each login. | false |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ICON | SVG icon to display with the login link. See options here. | account_circle |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_LABEL | Text to be presented on SSO button within App. | <PROVIDER> |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_PARAMS | Custom query parameters applied to the authorization URL. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_REDIRECT_ALLOW_LIST | A comma-separated list of external URLs (including paths) allowed for redirecting after successful login. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ROLE_MAPPING | A JSON object in the form of { "openid_group_name": "directus_role_id" } that you can use to map OpenID groups to Directus roles [3]. If not specified, falls back to AUTH_<PROVIDER>_DEFAULT_ROLE_ID | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_GROUP_CLAIM_NAME | The name of the OIDC claim that contains your user's groups. | groups |
[1] When authenticating, Directus will match the identifier value from the external user profile to a Directus users "External Identifier".
[2] sub
represents a unique user identifier defined by the OpenID provider. For users not relying on PUBLIC_REGISTRATION
it is recommended to use a human-readable identifier, such as email
[3] As directus only allows one role per user, evaluating stops after the first match. An OpenID user that is member of both e.g. developer and admin groups may be assigned different roles depending on the order that you specify your role-mapping in: In the following example said OpenID user will be assigned the role directus_developer_role_id
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ROLE_MAPPING: json:{ "developer": "directus_developer_role_id", "admin": "directus_admin_role_id" }"
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ROLE_MAPPING: json:{ "developer": "directus_developer_role_id", "admin": "directus_admin_role_id" }"
Whereas in the following example the OpenID user will be assigned the role directus_admin_role_id
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ROLE_MAPPING: json:{ "admin": "directus_admin_role_id", "developer": "directus_developer_role_id" }"
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ROLE_MAPPING: json:{ "admin": "directus_admin_role_id", "developer": "directus_developer_role_id" }"
LDAP (ldap
LDAP allows Active Directory users to authenticate and use Directus without having to be manually configured. User information and roles will be assigned from Active Directory.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_CLIENT_URL | LDAP connection URL. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_BIND_DN | Bind user [1] distinguished name. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_BIND_PASSWORD | Bind user password. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_USER_DN | Directory path containing users. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_USER_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute to identify the user. | cn |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_USER_SCOPE | Scope of the user search, either base , one , sub [2]. | one |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_MAIL_ATTRIBUTE | User email attribute. | mail |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_FIRST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE | User first name attribute. | givenName |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_LAST_NAME_ATTRIBUTE | User last name attribute. | sn |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_GROUP_DN [3] | Directory path containing groups. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE | Attribute to identify user as a member of a group. | member |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_GROUP_SCOPE | Scope of the group search, either base , one , sub [2]. | one |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_DEFAULT_ROLE_ID | A fallback Directus role ID to assign created users. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_SYNC_USER_INFO | Set user's first name, last name and email from provider's user info on each login. | false |
[1] The bind user must have permission to query users and groups to perform authentication. Anonymous binding can by achieved by setting an empty value for BIND_DN
[2] The scope defines the following behaviors:
: Limits the scope to a single object defined by the associated
: Searches all objects within the associated DN.sub
: Searches all objects and sub-objects within the associated DN.
is specified, the user's role will always be updated on authentication to a matching group configured in AD, or fallback to the DEFAULT_ROLE_ID
Example: LDAP
AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN="CN=Bind User,OU=Users,DC=ldap,DC=directus,DC=io"
AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DN="CN=Bind User,OU=Users,DC=ldap,DC=directus,DC=io"
SAML is an open-standard, XML-based authentication framework for authentication and authorization between two entities without a password.
Service provider (SP) agrees to trust the identity provider to authenticate users.
Identity provider (IdP) authenticates users and provides to service providers an authentication assertion that indicates a user has been authenticated.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_SP_metadata | String containing XML metadata for service provider | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_IDP_metadata | String containing XML metadata for identity provider | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_ALLOW_PUBLIC_REGISTRATION | Automatically create accounts for authenticating users. | false |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_DEFAULT_ROLE_ID | A Directus role ID to assign created users. | -- |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_IDENTIFIER_KEY | User profile identifier key [1]. | |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_EMAIL_KEY | User profile email key. | |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_GIVEN_NAME_KEY | User first name attribute. | |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_FAMILY_NAME_KEY | User last name attribute. | |
AUTH_<PROVIDER>_REDIRECT_ALLOW_LIST | A comma-separated list of external URLs (including paths) allowed for redirecting after successful login. | -- |
[1] When authenticating, Directus will match the identifier value from the external user profile to a Directus users "External Identifier".
The SP_metadata
and IDP_metadata
variables should be set to the XML metadata provided by the service provider and identity provider respectively.
Example: Multiple Auth Providers
You can configure multiple providers for handling authentication in Directus. This allows for different options when logging in. To do this, provide a comma-separated list of provider names, and a config block for each provider:
Variable | Description | Default Value |
FLOWS_ENV_ALLOW_LIST | A comma-separated list of environment variables. | false |
FLOWS_RUN_SCRIPT_MAX_MEMORY | The maximum amount of memory the 'Run Script'-Operation can allocate in megabytes. A minimum of 8MB is required. | 32 |
FLOWS_RUN_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT | The maximum duration the 'Run Script'-Operation can run for in milliseconds. | 10000 |
Usage in Flows Run Script Operation
Allowed environment variables can be accessed through the $env
within the passed data
or through p
const publicUrl = data['$env']['PUBLIC_URL'];
// OR
const publicUrl = data.$env.PUBLIC_URL;
// OR
const publicUrl = process.env. PUBLIC_URL;
const publicUrl = data['$env']['PUBLIC_URL'];
// OR
const publicUrl = data.$env.PUBLIC_URL;
// OR
const publicUrl = process.env. PUBLIC_URL;
Variable | Description | Default Value |
EXTENSIONS_PATH [1] | Path to your local extensions folder. | ./extensions |
EXTENSIONS_MUST_LOAD | Exit the server when any API extension fails to load. | false |
EXTENSIONS_AUTO_RELOAD [2] | Automatically reload extensions when they have changed. | false |
EXTENSIONS_CACHE_TTL [3] | How long custom app Extensions get cached by browsers. | -- |
EXTENSIONS_LOCATION [4] | What configured storage location to use for extensions. | -- |
EXTENSIONS_LIMIT | Maximum number of extensions you allow to be installed through the marketplace |
is configured, this is the path to the extensions folder within the selected storage location.
will not work when the EXTENSION_LOCATION
environment variable is set.
environment variable controls for how long custom app extensions (e.t., interface, display, layout, module, panel) are cached by browsers. Caching can speed-up the loading of the app as the code for the extensions doesn't need to be re-fetched from the server on each app reload. On the other hand, this means that code changes to app extensions won't be taken into account by the browser until EXTENSIONS_CACHE_TTL
has expired. By default, extensions are not cached. The input data type for this environment variable is the same as CACHE_TTL
[4] By default extensions are loaded from the local file system. EXTENSIONS_LOCATION
can be used to load extensions from a storage location instead. Under the hood, they are synced into a local directory within TEMP_PATH
and then loaded from there.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
MARKETPLACE_TRUST | One of sandbox , all | sandbox |
MARKETPLACE_REGISTRY | The registry to use for the Directus Marketplace. | |
Variable | Description | Default Value |
SYNCHRONIZATION_STORE | One of memory , redis [1] | memory |
SYNCHRONIZATION_NAMESPACE | How to scope the channels in Redis | directus-sync |
Variable | Description | Default Value |
EMAIL_VERIFY_SETUP | Check if email setup is properly configured. | true |
EMAIL_FROM | Email address from which emails are sent. | |
EMAIL_TRANSPORT | What to use to send emails. One of sendmail , smtp , mailgun , ses . | sendmail |
EMAIL_TEMPLATES_PATH | Where custom templates are located | ./templates |
used, you must also provide the following configurations:
Sendmail (sendmail
Variable | Description | Default Value |
EMAIL_SENDMAIL_NEW_LINE | What new line style to use in sendmail. | unix |
EMAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH | Path to your sendmail executable. | /usr/sbin/sendmail |
SMTP (smtp
Variable | Description | Default Value |
EMAIL_SMTP_HOST | SMTP server host | -- |
EMAIL_SMTP_PORT | SMTP server port | -- |
EMAIL_SMTP_USER | SMTP user | -- |
EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD | SMTP password | -- |
EMAIL_SMTP_POOL | Use SMTP pooling | -- |
EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE | Enable initial TLS | -- |
EMAIL_SMTP_NAME | SMTP client hostname | -- |
For more details about these options, see the SMTP configuration documentation for Nodemailer, which Directus uses under the hood.
Mailgun (mailgun
Variable | Description | Default Value |
EMAIL_MAILGUN_API_KEY | Your Mailgun API key. | -- |
EMAIL_MAILGUN_DOMAIN | A domain from your Mailgun account | -- |
EMAIL_MAILGUN_HOST | Allows you to specify a custom host. | |
AWS SES (ses
Variable | Description | Default Value |
EMAIL_SES_REGION | Your AWS SES region. | -- |
Admin Account
If you're relying on Docker and/or the directus bootstrap
CLI command, you can pass the following two environment variables to automatically configure the first user:
Variable | Description | Default Value |
ADMIN_EMAIL | The email address of the first user that's automatically created when using directus bootstrap . | -- |
ADMIN_PASSWORD | The password of the first user that's automatically created when using directus bootstrap . | -- |
ADMIN_TOKEN | The API token of the first user that's automatically created when using directus bootstrap . | -- |
To more accurately gauge the frequency of installation, version fragmentation, and general size of the user base, Directus collects little and anonymized data about your environment.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
TELEMETRY | Allow Directus to collect anonymized data about your environment. | true |
TELEMETRY_URL | URL that the usage report is submitted to. | |
TELEMETRY_AUTHORIZATION | Optional authorization header value. | -- |
To enable performance and error measurement of connected services, Directus can provide Prometheus metrics.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
METRICS_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable metrics. | false |
METRICS_SCHEDULE | The cron schedule at which to generate the metrics, the default is every minute | */1 * * * * |
METRICS_TOKENS | A CSV of tokens to allow access to via a Authorization: Metrics <token> header. By default it is restricted to admins | -- |
METRICS_SERVICES | A CSV of directus services to observe metrics for. Currently database , cache , redis and storage are supported | database,cache,redis,storage |
Metric Aggregation
If Directus is running within a PM2 context, then metrics will be aggregated on a per scheduled job frequency. Ensure Prometheus' scrape frequency takes that into account.
Limits & Optimizations
Allows you to configure hard technical limits, to prevent abuse and optimize for your particular server environment.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
RELATIONAL_BATCH_SIZE | How many rows are read into memory at a time when constructing nested relational datasets | 25000 |
EXPORT_BATCH_SIZE | How many rows are read into memory at a time when constructing exports | 5000 |
USERS_ADMIN_ACCESS_LIMIT | How many active users with admin privilege are allowed | Infinity |
USERS_APP_ACCESS_LIMIT | How many active users with access to the Data Studio are allowed | Infinity |
USERS_API_ACCESS_LIMIT | How many active API access users are allowed | Infinity |
GRAPHQL_QUERY_TOKEN_LIMIT | How many GraphQL query tokens will be parsed. More details here | 5000 |
Variable | Description | Default Value |
WEBSOCKETS_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable all WebSocket functionality. | false |
WEBSOCKETS_HEARTBEAT_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable the heartbeat ping signal. | true |
WEBSOCKETS_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD [1] | The period in seconds at which to send the ping. This period doubles as the timeout used for closing an unresponsive connection. | 30 |
[1] It's recommended to keep this value between 30 and 120 seconds, otherwise the connections could be considered idle by other parties and therefore terminated. See
Variable | Description | Default Value |
WEBSOCKETS_REST_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable the REST message handlers. | true |
WEBSOCKETS_REST_PATH | The URL path at which the WebSocket REST endpoint will be available. | /websocket |
WEBSOCKETS_REST_CONN_LIMIT | How many simultaneous connections are allowed. | Infinity |
WEBSOCKETS_REST_AUTH | The method of authentication to require for this connection. One of public , handshake or strict . Refer to the authentication guide for more information. | handshake |
WEBSOCKETS_REST_AUTH_TIMEOUT | The amount of time in seconds to wait before closing an unauthenticated connection. | 30 |
Variable | Description | Default Value |
WEBSOCKETS_GRAPHQL_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable the GraphQL Subscriptions. | true |
WEBSOCKETS_GRAPHQL_PATH | The URL path at which the WebSocket GraphQL endpoint will be available. | /graphql |
WEBSOCKETS_GRAPHQL_CONN_LIMIT | How many simultaneous connections are allowed. | Infinity |
WEBSOCKETS_GRAPHQL_AUTH | The method of authentication to require for this connection. One of public , handshake or strict . Refer to the authentication guide for more information. | handshake |
WEBSOCKETS_GRAPHQL_AUTH_TIMEOUT | The amount of time in seconds to wait before closing an unauthenticated connection. | 30 |
The WebSocket Logs endpoint is accessible at /websocket/logs
. The method of authentication is limited to strict
and the connection will be disconnected when the authentication expires. Refer to the authentication guide for more information.
Variable | Description | Default Value |
WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_ENABLED | Whether or not to enable the Logs Subscriptions. | true |
WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_LEVEL | What level of detail to stream. One of fatal , error , warn , info , debug , trace or silent . | info |
WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_STYLE | Stream just the message (pretty) or the full JSON log. One of pretty , raw . | pretty |
WEBSOCKETS_LOGS_CONN_LIMIT | How many simultaneous connections are allowed. | Infinity |
These environment variables only exist when you're using the official Docker Container, or are using the provided ecosystem.config.cjs
file with pm2
For more information on what these options do, please refer to the pm2
Variable | Description | Default |
PM2_INSTANCES [1] | Number of app instance to be launched | 1 |
PM2_EXEC_MODE | One of fork , cluster | 'cluster' |
PM2_MAX_MEMORY_RESTART | App will be restarted if it exceeds the amount of memory specified | — |
PM2_MIN_UPTIME | Min uptime of the app to be considered started | — |
PM2_LISTEN_TIMEOUT | Time in ms before forcing a reload if app not listening | — |
PM2_KILL_TIMEOUT | Time in milliseconds before sending a final SIGKILL | — |
PM2_MAX_RESTARTS | Number of failed restarts before the process is killed | — |
PM2_RESTART_DELAY | Time to wait before restarting a crashed app | 0 |
PM2_AUTO_RESTART | Automatically restart Directus if it crashes unexpectedly | false |
PM2_LOG_ERROR_FILE | Error file path | $HOME/.pm2/logs/<app name>-error-<pid>.log |
PM2_LOG_OUT_FILE | Output file path | $HOME/.pm2/logs/<app name>-out-<pid>.log |
[1] Redis is required in case of multiple instances.