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Registering Extensions in the Sandbox

The way extensions are registered in the sandbox closely follows the syntax of the existing extension types, but there are some subtle yet crucial differences in how data is passed back and forth to the API.


Hooks are registered by exporting a default function that gets an object with the filter and action properties that can be used to register filters and actions respectively.

import { log } from 'directus:api';

export default ({ filter, action }) => {
	filter('items.create', (payload) => {
		log('Creating Item!');

	action('items.create', (payload) => {
		log('Item created!');
import { log } from 'directus:api';

export default ({ filter, action }) => {
	filter('items.create', (payload) => {
		log('Creating Item!');

	action('items.create', (payload) => {
		log('Item created!');

The callback functions for the hooks get the payload that triggered the event as the only parameter.


You can import the SandboxHookRegisterContext type from directus:api to type the registration context object:

/// <reference types="@directus/extensions/api.d.ts" />

import { log } from 'directus:api';
import type { SandboxHookRegisterContext } from 'directus:api';

export default ({ filter, action }: SandboxHookRegisterContext) => {
	filter('items.create', (payload) => {
		log('Creating Item!');

	action('items.create', (payload) => {
		log('Item created!');
/// <reference types="@directus/extensions/api.d.ts" />

import { log } from 'directus:api';
import type { SandboxHookRegisterContext } from 'directus:api';

export default ({ filter, action }: SandboxHookRegisterContext) => {
	filter('items.create', (payload) => {
		log('Creating Item!');

	action('items.create', (payload) => {
		log('Item created!');


Endpoints are registered by exporting a default function that gets a router object as it's only parameter:

export default (router) => {};
export default (router) => {};

This router object can be used register individual route handlers:

export default (router) => {
	const handler = async (request) => ({ status: 200, body: 'hello world' });

	router.get('/', handler);'/', handler);
	router.put('/', handler);
	router.patch('/', handler);
	router.delete('/', handler);
export default (router) => {
	const handler = async (request) => ({ status: 200, body: 'hello world' });

	router.get('/', handler);'/', handler);
	router.put('/', handler);
	router.patch('/', handler);
	router.delete('/', handler);

The handler function for each route gets a request object, and is expected to return a response object.

interface SandboxEndpointRequest {
	url: string;
	headers: Record<string, string>;
	body: any;

interface SandboxEndpointResponse {
	status: number;
	body: string | Record<string, unknown>;
interface SandboxEndpointRequest {
	url: string;
	headers: Record<string, string>;
	body: any;

interface SandboxEndpointResponse {
	status: number;
	body: string | Record<string, unknown>;


You can import the SandboxEndpointRouter type from directus:api to type the router object:

/// <reference types="@directus/extensions/api.d.ts" />

import type { SandboxEndpointRouter } from 'directus:api';

export default (router: SandboxEndpointRouter) => {
	router.get('/', () => {
		return {
			status: 200,
			body: 'Hello World',
/// <reference types="@directus/extensions/api.d.ts" />

import type { SandboxEndpointRouter } from 'directus:api';

export default (router: SandboxEndpointRouter) => {
	router.get('/', () => {
		return {
			status: 200,
			body: 'Hello World',


Usage of the App registration is identical to it's non-sandboxed counterpart, so please refer to the existing documentation on Operations for more information.

The API entrypoint is identical in basic structure. To register the API entrypoint for a custom operation, return an object defining an ID and handler function:

import { log } from 'directus:api';

export default {
	id: 'custom',
	handler: ({ text }) => {
import { log } from 'directus:api';

export default {
	id: 'custom',
	handler: ({ text }) => {

The handler function receives the data payload of the current in-flight flow.


You can import the SandboxOperationConfig type from directus:api to type the operation object:

/// <reference types="@directus/extensions/api.d.ts" />

import { log } from "directus:api";
import type { SandboxOperationConfig } from "directus:api";

const operation: SandboxOperationConfig = {
	id: 'custom',
	handler: ({ text }) => {

export default operation;
/// <reference types="@directus/extensions/api.d.ts" />

import { log } from "directus:api";
import type { SandboxOperationConfig } from "directus:api";

const operation: SandboxOperationConfig = {
	id: 'custom',
	handler: ({ text }) => {

export default operation;