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Help & Support

If you have questions while working with Directus, there are many resources to help you get up-and-running smoothly.

Troubleshooting Steps

If you're experiencing issues or think you have found a problem in Directus, be sure to follow these steps before Reporting a Bug:

  1. Ensure your server and database meet the minimum requirements.
  2. Ensure you’re on the latest version of Directus.
  3. Stop CTRL+C and restart the server npx directus start.
  4. Run the database migration script: directus database migrate:latest
    Note: backup your database first.
  5. Disable any data-caching within your project.
  6. Test any app issues with both browser extensions and caching disabled (i.e. Incognito Mode).
  7. Confirm the issue is not related to your own custom code.
  8. Check for existing Issues (and Discussions) that match your problem.

If you're still experiencing a problem after completing the above steps, you can chat through things on our community support or report a bug.

Support Tiers

Community Support

GitHub Discussions is a great first place to reach out for help. Our community and core developers often check this platform and answer posts. It has the added benefit of being an archival resource for others developers with similar questions.

Our Discord Community is another great way to get assistance. Please keep all questions in the help channels, be considerate, and remember that you are getting free help from the community.

No Guaranteed Response Time

While the Directus Core Team plays an active and engaged role in community discussions, there is no guaranteed response time for Community Support.

Basic and Premium Support

Basic and Premium Support offer direct communication with the Directus Core Team. Basic support is included on all Enterprise Projects, and Premium Support adds 24/7 response times for critical software issues only.

Cloud customers and Self-Hosted users interested in learning more about our monthly retainer agreements should contact us at

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Directus support Mongo/NoSQL?

Not currently. Directus has been built specifically for wrapping relational databases. While we could force Mongo to use tables, columns, and rows via Mongoose object modeling, that approach of "faking" a relational structure in a non-structured environment like Mongo doesn't make a lot of sense. We do realize many users are interested in this feature, and will continue to explore its possibility.

Why haven't you added this feature, or fixed that issue yet?

Directus is an open-source project, maintained by a small core team and community contributors who have limited time and resources.

Our platform is feature-rich, however not every suggested feature is right for the core codebase. We rely on extensions to include new functionality that might not be relevant for 80%+ of our user base. Directus is also quite stable, however new issues still arise, some of which may be triaged with a lower prioritization.

Can you give an ETA for this feature/fix?

If it is sponsored work, then yes, delivery dates are part of our statement of work agreements. Otherwise, most likely not. This is open-source software, work is prioritized internally, and all timelines are subject to change.

But this is an emergency, my very important project requires it now!

We understand, and are here to help. If you need something prioritized, you can reach out to us to discuss premium support.