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Developer Blog

Understanding Policy-Based Access Control

Published August 16th, 2024

Written By
Kevin Lewis
Kevin Lewis
Director, Developer Relations

In version 11 introduced a change to how Directus handles access control through the introduction of policies.

Previously, permissions were attached directly to roles, and a user could receive those permissions by assigning their role. Now, permissions are attached to reusable policies that can be added to users or roles, as well as other subtle but impactful changes.

Introducing Policies

Can Issue Article Updates Policy showing read access on the authors collection and update and delete permissions on the posts collection, as well as a number of permissions in the system collections required for app access.

Each policy can contain one or more permissions, which in turn is made up of a collection, an action, and either allow all or create custom rules. While the creation of permissions remains unchanged, we have also updated the UI so only relevant collections are shown.

As before, custom permissions can include a filter to only allow access to certain items or fields.

Assigning Policies & Roles

Policies can be added directly to roles, meaning you can continue to use the permission as you have done prior to Directus 11 by creating a single policy per role.

However, roles can have multiple policies attached to them, and policies can be attached to multiple roles. This flexibility means that you can create smaller and more modular sets of permissions and reuse them at any time.

You can also add policies directly to users, which can be useful for users in your project who have edge cases, or already have an assigned role.

Multiple Roles

While you can still only assign a single role to a user, roles can now contain other roles. All policies applied to any of the roles will be used when determining access control.

A new $CURRENT_ROLES dynamic variable is now available throughout Directus and will return an array of all roles at all depths. $CURRENT_ROLE will contain only the directly-added role as before.

Additive Permissions

By default, a user has no access to any collection. All permissions in all policies are additive and are combined to determine what a user has access to. There are no “negative” permissions that remove access.

Composing Access Control

Having this new level of flexibility in policies helps in two ways - to remove repetitive permission configuration for similar roles, and to create sets of permissions that have a clear purpose when applied together.

An Example

In this store, there is a staff, shift manager , and store manager role. There are inventory, shifts , and sales collections.

A see inventory policy could contain a single permission allowing read access to the inventory collection, and be assigned to the staff role.

An accept inventory policy could allow full access to all actions in the inventory collection, and be added to both the shift manager , and store manager roles.

A see shifts policy could be added to the staff role that could allow read access to shifts and only allowing read access to the name field of staff, while shift managers could get a more permissive policy allowing for the creation and editing of shifts.

Staff should be able to create sales, but only the store manager should be able to read, edit, or delete sales. Once again, two policies with the varying permission levels.

Finally, the shift manager role could contain the staff role, so they get all staff-level policies.

API Changes

These changes also introduce API changes - the ones you might expect are the introduction of a Policies API, and changes to the fields in the Roles and Users APIs. And, of course, permissions are no longer attached to a role but instead to a policy.

If there is ever conflicting permissions around which fields or items are available based on a filter, the field will be returned with a value of null. This means that null must now be treated as both a value and as an indication of lacking access.

Migrating from Role-Based Access Control

When upgrading to Directus 11, our automatic migrations will handle this upgrade for you by turning each role’s permissions into a single policy and attach the policy to the role on your behalf.

You are then free to take advantage of the new policy-based access control as you are ready to - taking common permissions across roles into their own policies is a fantastic first step.

The way we have implemented the migration is intended to make this a smooth transition, allowing you to take advantage of policies at your own pace. But we hope that you find this addition a powerful change.

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