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Syncing Directus and Google Calendar with Directus Automate and Google Apps Script

Published December 13th, 2023

Written By
Yuriy Klyuch
Yuriy Klyuch
Guest Author
With Thanks ToKevin Lewis

In this project, we will create a two-way sync between items in Directus Collection and Google Calendar Events. So, when the user creates/updates/deletes an item in a Directus collection or Google Calendar, the corresponding entry will be altered. On the Directus side we will use Flows, and on the Google side we will use Google Apps Script.

Before You Start

You will need a Directus project - check out quickstart guide if you don't already have one. You will also need a Google Account.

Interactions Scheme

The system overview shows the interactions between Directus and Google Services. In Directus there is a collection, a Flow processing events from the collection, and a flow processing events from Google Apps Script. On the Google side, there is a calendar, spreadsheet, Apps Script, and a Webhook.

While the project may feel simple at first, the actual implementation has some hidden complexity:

  • For proper syncing, we need to have some ID that is shared between Directus item and Google Calendar event.
  • It's not very easy to organize a stream of updates from Google Calendar.

We will use the ID of Google Calendar event as the shared ID, saved as an additional field in the Directus data model. We can use Flows to save it, and open the ability to search by the Calendar ID within Directus.

Detailed interactions scheme overview described below

Let's describe the processes shown in the interaction scheme:

  • 1 - A Flow is triggered when items in our collection are created/updated. Our project will be using a Collection named milestones. A separate flow is triggered when items are deleted.
  • 2 and 3 - These flows send a signal to our Google Apps Script webapp, using "Webhook / Request URL" Action.
  • 4 - When needed (new/updated/deleted Google calendar event detected), Google Apps Script webapp sends signals to Directus Flow Webhook.
  • 5 - As the final step of Flow in 4, this Flow creates/updates/deletes items in milestones according to received parameters.
  • 6 and 7 - Google Calendar can send push notifications when an event is added/updated/deleted, those notifications can be received directly by the Google Apps Script webapp, but cannot read request headers containing required data. A proxy Directus Flow is used to modify requests and send them to webapp with parameters in the body.
  • 8 - Google Apps Script has additional functions (cron to renew notifications, function to stop notifications, etc).
  • 9 - Google Apps Script webapp can create events in Google Calendar.

Set Up Your Directus Project

Create a Directus collection - milestones - with these fields:

  • calendar_event_id - type text, where Google calendar event id will be saved (automatically)
  • calendar_event_start - type timestamp, where the event start date is
  • calendar_event_end - type timestamp, where the event end date is
  • name - type text, where the event title is
  • description - type text, where event description is

Timestamp Data Type

The timestamp type is available when the field is created in Advanced Mode. You could use Datetime, but since it doesn't have timezone info, you must ensure that your Directus and Google Calendar have the same timezone setting. Using timestamp overcomes this limitation.

These fields are required, names could be changed, just ensure that you reflect these changes in the Google Spreadsheet Config introduced later.

We will use environment variables in our Flows. Please add these two environment variables:


GCALENDARHOOKSECRET is a secret key our Flows will use to validate that incoming data is from our trusted script, and GCALENDARHOOKURL is the URL of your published Google Apps Script, you will acquire it later so feel free to put in a placeholder value.

In order for Flows to have access to environment variables, they need to be listed in the FLOWS_ENV_ALLOW_LIST environment variable. If it exists, add the two new values to it. If it does not already exist, create it:


Create Your Flows

There are 4 Flows required for this project:

  1. Flow "Google Calendar Event Proxy" - receives info about Google Calendar trigger event with info in Headers and sends it in Body to Google Apps script.
  2. Flow "Send Create/Update Event to Google Calendar" - sends data to Google Apps script about created/updated collection item.
  3. Flow "Send Delete Event to Google Calendar" - sends data to Google Apps script about deleted collection item.
  4. Flow "Process Events from Google Calendar" - Webhook, called from Google Apps script when an event is created / updated / deleted in Google Calendar.

Google Calendar Event Proxy Flow

When a change is made in our calendar, a push notification will trigger the registered URL endpoint with data in the headers. Google Apps Script can't read headers, so this first Flow will act as a 'middleman' proxy sitting between Google Calendar and the Google Apps Script. It will receive requests, save data from the headers in the body, and then send it back to Google Apps Script.

Flow containing one trigger and one operation

Create a Flow with a Webhook trigger. Use a POST method.

Add a Webhook / Request URL operation and send a POST request to {{$env.GCALENDARHOOKURL}}. The actual value in the environment variable will be set after Google Apps Script is published and a URL is provisioned. Set the Request Body to:

  "headers": {{$trigger.headers}}
  "headers": {{$trigger.headers}}


Note that {{$trigger.headers}} is not quoted as it will be an object. This will be the case in several operations in this tutorial.

Save the Flow and take note of the Webhook URL for later.

Send Create or Update Event to Google Calendar Flow

After we send the event information, we might receive the ID of the Google Calendar Event that was created and we must update the current Directus item with this ID. This operation is not blocking.

A flow with one trigger and 10 operations - detailed below.

Create a Flow with a Event Hook trigger. Set Type to "Action (Non-Blocking)", scope to "items.create, items.update" and Collections to milestones and set Response to "data of last operation".

Create an Operation "Condition" and set Rules to:

    "$trigger": {
        "event": {
            "_ends_with": ".items.update"
    "$trigger": {
        "event": {
            "_ends_with": ".items.update"

For the "Resolve" route, create an Operation "Read Data" and set Collections to milestones, set key to item_read_updated, and IDs (edit raw value) to:


Create an Operation "Webhook / Request URL" and set Method to Post, set Key to request_webhook_update, set the URL to {{$env.GCALENDARHOOKURL}}, set the Request Body to:

  "data": {{$last}},
  "action": "update",
  "pass": "{{$env.GCALENDARHOOKSECRET}}"
  "data": {{$last}},
  "action": "update",
  "pass": "{{$env.GCALENDARHOOKSECRET}}"

Create an Operation "Condition" and set Rules to:

    "$last": {
        "data": {
            "res": {
                "_eq": "need_update_calendar_event_id"
    "$last": {
        "data": {
            "res": {
                "_eq": "need_update_calendar_event_id"

Create an Operation "Update Data" and set Collection to a milestones, set IDs (edit raw value) to:


Set the Payload to:

    "calendar_event_id": "{{}}"
    "calendar_event_id": "{{}}"

Operation Key

Make sure that you are using the same key (here it's "request_webhook_update") as you set in "Webhook / Request URL". This will be the case in several operations in this tutorial.

In the Reject route of the very first Condition create an Operation "Condition" and set Rules to:

    "$trigger": {
        "event": {
            "_ends_with": ".items.create"
    "$trigger": {
        "event": {
            "_ends_with": ".items.create"

Create an Operation "Run Script" and set Key to payload_transformed, set Code to:

module.exports = async function(data) {
	let out = data.$trigger.payload;
	out["id"] = data.$trigger.key;
	return out;
module.exports = async function(data) {
	let out = data.$trigger.payload;
	out["id"] = data.$trigger.key;
	return out;

Create an Operation "Webhook / Request URL" and set Method to Post, set key to request_webhook_create, set the URL to {{$env.GCALENDARHOOKURL}}, set the Request body to:

  "data": {{$last}},
  "action": "create",
  "pass": "{{$env.GCALENDARHOOKSECRET}}"
  "data": {{$last}},
  "action": "create",
  "pass": "{{$env.GCALENDARHOOKSECRET}}"

Create an Operation "Condition" and set Rules to:

    "$last": {
        "data": {
            "res": {
                "_eq": "need_update_calendar_event_id"
    "$last": {
        "data": {
            "res": {
                "_eq": "need_update_calendar_event_id"

Create an Operation "Update Data" and set Collection to milestones, set IDs (edit raw value) to:


Set the Payload to:

    "calendar_event_id": "{{}}"
    "calendar_event_id": "{{}}"

Send Delete Event to Google Calendar Flow

Processing of the Delete event is a bit different from processing of Create / Update (next flow). It should be set to blocking, cause we need to "intercept" the delete command and read item data - we need to know the id of the Google Calendar event, so we can send it to Published Google Apps Script.

A flow with one trigger and two operations - detailed below

Create a Flow with a Event Hook trigger. Set Type to "Filter(Blocking)", Scope to "items.delete", set Collections to milestones and set Response to "data of last operation".

Create an Operation "Read data", set Collections to milestones and set IDs (edit raw value) to:


Create an Operation "Webhook / Request URL", set Method to Post, set the URL to {{$env.GCALENDARHOOKURL}}, set the Request body to:

  "data": {{$last}},
  "action": "delete",
  "pass": "{{$env.GCALENDARHOOKSECRET}}"
  "data": {{$last}},
  "action": "delete",
  "pass": "{{$env.GCALENDARHOOKSECRET}}"

Process Events from Google Calendar Flow

This final Flow is the entry point for the Google Apps Script to interact with Directus regardless of whether it is triggered based on a create, update, or delete operation. It will determine and execute the correct operations within your collection.

A flow showing one trigger and 4 operations. This is an incomplete diagram continued in the next image.

A continuation showing another 7 operations

Create a Flow with a Webhook trigger. Use the POST method.

Create an Operation "Condition" and set Rules to:

    "$trigger": {
        "body": {
            "pass": {
                "_eq": "{{$env.GCALENDARHOOKSECRET}}"
    "$trigger": {
        "body": {
            "pass": {
                "_eq": "{{$env.GCALENDARHOOKSECRET}}"

This will act as a gatekeeper - check that the password from the incoming parameter is the same as saved in the Environment Variable, since we don't want some random wandering bot to trigger real actions.

The next step is to determine from the incoming parameter if a Directus item needs to be created. Create an Operation "Condition" and set Rules to:

    "$trigger": {
        "body": {
            "action": {
                "_eq": "create"
    "$trigger": {
        "body": {
            "action": {
                "_eq": "create"

Create an Operation "Create Data" and set Collection milestones, set Permissions to "full access", set Payload to:

    "calendar_event_id": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_start": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_end": "{{$}}",
    "name": "{{$}}",
    "description": "{{$}}"
    "calendar_event_id": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_start": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_end": "{{$}}",
    "name": "{{$}}",
    "description": "{{$}}"

In the Reject route of the last condition create an Operation "Read Data". This node will find Directus Item with a certain calendar_event_id.

Set Key to item_read, set Permissions to "Full Access", set Collection to milestones, set Query to:

    "filter": {
        "calendar_event_id": {
            "_eq": "{{$}}"
    "filter": {
        "calendar_event_id": {
            "_eq": "{{$}}"

The next node will check if such an item is found (then proceed to actions delete/update, otherwise - create a new item (for update action)). Create an Operation "Condition", and set Rules to:

    "count($last)": {
        "_gte": 1
    "count($last)": {
        "_gte": 1

The next node will determine from the incoming parameter if a Directus item needs to be deleted. Create an Operation "Condition", and set Rules to:

    "$trigger": {
        "body": {
            "action": {
                "_eq": "delete"
    "$trigger": {
        "body": {
            "action": {
                "_eq": "delete"

Create an Operation "Delete Data" and set Permissions to "Full Access", set Collection to milestones, and set IDs (edit raw value) to:


In the Reject route of the last Condition operation create an Operation "Update Data", set permissions to "Full Access", set Collection to milestones, and set IDs (edit raw value) to:


and set Payload to:

    "calendar_event_id": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_start": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_end": "{{$}}",
    "name": "{{$}}",
    "description": "{{$}}"
    "calendar_event_id": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_start": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_end": "{{$}}",
    "name": "{{$}}",
    "description": "{{$}}"

In the Reject route of the Condition operation, where you had rule count($last): {_gte: 1}, create an Operation "Condition".

The operation is in the branch "item not found". So, if the action was to Update an item, then creating an item is required (in the next node). Set Rules to:

    "$trigger": {
        "body": {
            "action": {
                "_eq": "update"
    "$trigger": {
        "body": {
            "action": {
                "_eq": "update"

Create an Operation "Create Data" and set Permissions to "full access", set Collection to milestones, and set Payload to:

    "calendar_event_id": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_start": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_end": "{{$}}",
    "name": "{{$}}",
    "description": "{{$}}"
    "calendar_event_id": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_start": "{{$}}",
    "calendar_event_end": "{{$}}",
    "name": "{{$}}",
    "description": "{{$}}"

After you save this Flow, copy the resulting webhook URL somewhere.

Set Up Google Apps Script

Google Apps Script is usually enabled by default, but if you are using Google Workspace within the organization, your Admin might disable Google Apps Script.

Google Apps Script can be created as a dedicated file, but for this project, we will use a Script within a Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can be used to store configuration and for logging.

For quicker setup, please use this spreadsheet template copy, which has the full script and sheet with configuration settings.

In your spreadsheet copy, open the menu Extensions → Apps Script. It will open Script Editor.

In the top-right corner there is Deploy button

Click the button DeployNew Deployment.

When Google Apps Script is deployed as Web App, it creates a unique URL like

When this URL is called with a GET request, the script function doGet is executed. When this URL is called with a POST request, script function doPost is executed. We will use POST requests and doPost function.

Set type to a Web app, write any comment in the Description, set "Execute as" to Me, set "Who has access" to anyone, and click Deploy, authorizing access to your script and going to code beyond the warning which shows during development.

If all is fine, you'll see next popup with URL of your published web app in the format

Copy the web app URL (make sure that you are copying web app URL and not Library URL) and update Directus Environment Variable GCALENDARHOOKURL to this value

In the action bar at the top of the script editor there is a run button and a dropdown of function names

Back to the script editor, run the listCalendars function and the result of the function listCalendars will be shown. Copy the ID of the calendar that you want to track. Usually, it's the same as an account email.

Update Spreadsheet Configuration

In your Spreadsheet go to the 'Config' sheet.

  1. set calendar_id to the id of your calendar.
  2. set directus_url_proxy to the URL of Flow "Google Calendar event Proxy"
  3. set directus_url_webhook_from_g to the URL of Flow "Process events from Google Calendar"
  4. set pass to the same value as in Directus Environment Variable GCALENDARHOOKSECRET

One-Time Set Up Of Google Apps Script

In the Script Editor, we must manually run a few functions once during setup.

Select triggerResubscribeOnceWeek from the functions dropdown and click Run. If the run was successful, in the config sheet values next to channel_id, resource_id will be filled.

Select runManual_getSyncedEvents from the functions dropdown and click Run. If the run was successful, in the config sheet value next to sync_token, resource_id will be filled.

We must set up a weekly Trigger to resubscribe. Click Triggers, then Add Trigger

Add trigger popup with the options below selected

  • Select function trigger: ResubscribeOnceWeek
  • Deployment - Head
  • Select event source - Time-driven
  • Select type - Week Timer
  • Select day of week and time - your choice
  • Failure notifications - Notify me immediately

Script Source Code Explanation

The source code of the script is organized into several functions:

  • writelog - utility function to write to the spreadsheet log entry
  • listCalendars - function for manual launch - to list available for user calendars info (IDs, description)
  • triggerResubscribeOnceWeek - function for once-a-week time trigger. Will resubscribe to calendar push notifications (1 week is the maximum allowed time)
  • runManual_processSyncedEvents - function for manual launch - get events stream and process it (send to Directus)
  • runManual_getSyncedEvents - function for manual launch - set initial sync token, nothing sent to Directus
  • getConfig - utility function for retrieving Config set in spreadsheet
  • updateConfig - utility function for updating certain Config in the spreadsheet
  • callDirectusWebhook - actual data sent to Directus
  • processSyncedEvents - get events stream and process it (send to Directus)
  • doPost - main function, special name doPost means that when the web app is published, POST requests are processed here
  • callCalendarEventsWatch_stop - utility function for stopping push notifications
  • callCalendarEventsWatch - utility function for registering URL for receiving push notifications
  • getSyncedEvents - utility function for getting a list of new / updated / deleted events in Google Calendar, using special "syncToken"

Updating the Script

The deployed web app has versions, so if you update the doPost function (or something called from it) and want these changes to have an effect - a new version of the web app needs to be deployed. If you create a new version in the same deployment, the URL will stay the same.

Manage Deployments popup have Edit button in the top right corner

Manage Deployments → Edit (pencil icon button)

Select New Version entry from versions selector

Choose New version, then click Deploy.

Summary and Next Steps

We created Automation Flows in Directus to send updates from the collection of items to Google Apps Script, which will create events in the Calendar. And vice versa, this Script will check if a new event is added or updated in the Calendar and call Directus automation Flow to reflect these changes in Directus items.

Everything is set to successfully keep the two-way sync active. You can check logs in the log panel for each of Directus Flows. And you can check spreadsheet log sheet.

This project serves as a solid base for future expansions. It effectively manages single-item operations in Directus, paving the way for integrating bulk operations. Additionally, it treats Google Calendar recurrent events as single-date occurrences, providing a foundation for enhancing recurrent event handling.

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