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Folders provide the organization system for Files.


They can be named, renamed, and nested as sub-folders anywhere in the Folder hierarchy. Once a Folder is selected from the Navigation Bar, File Listing Page opens. The File Listing Page displays all Files within a Folder. It also enables all other features and functionalities from the Collections Page such as batch editing, batch deleting, sorting, filtering, searching, etc. Folders can also be managed programmatically via the API.

Create a Folder

  1. From the File Library, click on the create_new_folder button located in the Header.
  2. Fill in a Folder name as desired.
  3. Click "Save".

Rename a Folder

  1. From the File Library, right-click on the Folder you wish to rename and select "Rename Folder".
  2. Update the Folder name as desired.
  3. Click "Save".

Move a Folder

  1. From the File Library, right-click on the folder you wish to move and select "Move to Folder". A popup will appear.
  2. Select a Folder to serve as the new Parent Folder.
  3. Click "Save".

Delete a Folder

  1. From the File Library, right-click on the Folder you wish to delete and select "Delete Folder".
  2. Click "Delete".


When you delete a Folder, any nested Files and Folders will be moved one level up.

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