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Directus Cloud

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Cloud Teams

A Team is an organizational system that groups Accounts together as Team Members and provides consolidated billing on its nested Projects. Teams within the Cloud Dashboard allow individuals to separate or consolidate Projects and payment methods, as well as manage Projects independently or with other Team Members.

For example, a company can use Teams to organize Projects by department, each with consolidated billing and scoped access. Similarly, agencies or freelancers with multiple customers can create a Team per client to limit their access and isolate billing. Teams are free, so create as many as you need to appropriately organize Team Members, Projects and payment methods.

Create a Team

Create Team

To create a Team:

  1. Open the Team Menu in the Dashboard Header and click "Create a Team add".
    The Create Team page will open.
  2. Enter a Team Name and Team Slug, then click "Save".

Team Name and Team Slug

The Team Name is a text name assigned to a Team, used in the Cloud Dashboard. The Team slug lies within the full URL These are purely organizational, allowing you to easily remember the Team and link to specific Cloud Dashboards. They do not impact Cloud Projects or billing and can be updated at any time.

Update Team Settings

Managing a Team

To update Team Settings:

  1. Open the Team Menu in the Dashboard Header and select the desired Team.
  2. Click "Settings" to enter the Team Settings page.
  3. Toggle edit to allow edits.
  4. Edit Team Name and Team Slug as desired.
  5. Click the "Save" button.

View Team Activity

View Team Activity

The Team Activity Page displays billing information changes, created and destroyed Projects, Team Members added or removed, Team Name and Team Slug changes, and any other major Team-oriented activities. To view Team Activity:

  1. Open the Team Menu in the Dashboard Header and select the desired Team.
  2. Click "Activity".

Invite Team Members

Inviting a Team Member

All Team Members can invite new Members via email. Each invitee will be emailed a link to accept the invitation and join the Team. To invite Team Members:

  1. Open the Team Menu in the Dashboard Header and select the desired Team.
  2. Click "Members" to enter the Members Page.
  3. Scroll down to the Invite New Members section.
  4. Enter one or more email(s), comma separated.
  5. Click "Send Invites."


Clicking the emailed invitation link does not automatically create an Account for you. Invitees will need to create an Account before accepting an invitation to join a Team.

Manage Team Members

Removing a Team member

All Team Members have the ability to remove other Members or invites from a Team. To remove Members or leave a Team yourself:

  1. Open the Team Menu in the Dashboard Header and select the desired Team.
  2. Click "Members" to enter the Members Page.
  3. Click the exit_to_app or close button on the desired Member.
  4. Click "Confirm".


If an Account leaves or is removed from a Team, it will be fully "locked out" of the Team until re-invited by another Member.

Destroy a Team

Destroying a Team

To destroy a Team:

  1. Open the Team Menu in the Dashboard Header and select the desired Team.
  2. Click "Settings" to enter the Team Settings Page.
  3. Scroll down to the "Destroy this Team" section.
  4. Toggle local_fire_department and an input box will appear.
  5. Type the Team Name into the input box.
  6. Click "Destroy Team".


Destroying a Team completely removes all its data from Directus Cloud. This action is permanent and irreversible. Proceed with caution!

Teams with Active Projects

To delete a Team, you must first delete any active Projects within it.