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Directus Cloud

Everything you need to start building. Provisioned in 90 seconds. Starting at $15/month.

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Asset Storage

Directus Core allows asset storage for any type of file. This applies to all Cloud Projects. However, on Directus Cloud, certain hard technical limits apply to file uploads, such as limits on size per asset and total asset storage per Project. For more details, see Cloud Policies.

Automatic Updates

Software updates on any app can be a time-consuming chore, taking developer energy and focus away from core business logic. Cloud Projects are updated every two weeks in rolling releases (i.e. done with no downtime). These updates keep your Project on the latest version and fully up to date with all Cloud Exclusives, dependencies and security patches.


Version-locking is available on Enterprise Projects.


By default, file assets and databases are backed up once per day on all Professional and Enterprise Projects. Additionally, Enterprise customers can work with our team for more tailored backup solutions. In the event of an emergency, such as your project crashing, don't worry! Your data will be safe. If you need access to your backed-up data, contact us.


Caching is enabled on Cloud Projects. Public data is cached in the CDN for a short period of time. All Directus Cloud Projects are running behind a Global CDN, but Enterprise Projects offer advanced caching strategies, as well.

Data Portability

Directus Core is totally detached from the database. Data can be cleanly imported and exported on Projects with the API via the schema endpoints.

Enterprise Clients

The Directus Team will help you work through this process on all Enterprise Projects.

Datacenter Regions

The location you choose to host your Project in can have a measurable impact. To help optimize your Project and meet any local data compliance laws such as GDPR, Professional and Enterprise offer multiple Datacenter regions to host from. There are 19 regions available for Enterprise Projects, and 3 for Professional Projects:

United States, N. Virginia
Europe, Frankfurt
Asia Pacific, Singapore
United States, Ohio
United States, N. California
United States, Oregon
Africa, Cape Town
Asia Pacific, Sydney
Canada, Central
Europe, London
Europe, Milan
Europe, Paris
Europe, Stockholm
Europe, Zurich
South America, São Paulo

Encryption and Security

Asset Storage, data storage and in-transit encryption are included on all Cloud Projects. All data at rest remains encrypted, and HTTPS/TLS protocols are enabled on all in-transit data. Cloud Projects are created with secure and safe tenancy architectures.

Directus Core Security Features

Directus core comes with even more security features out-of-the-box, including IP address whitelabeling, MFA enabling, SSO options, customization for Password Rule requirements and the flexibility to use any access token paradigm desired.


The term Extension refers to any feature or component that adds to the functionality of Directus Core. Directus has been architected to be completely modular and extensible to ensure you will never hit a hard feature ceiling within the platform.

Enterprise Projects have the option to implement their own custom Extensions as needed.

Global CDN

A Global CDN is provided for all Cloud Projects, out-of-the-box, with over 300 cache locations. This means assets and data will be delivered with the lowest possible latency.


In the context of these docs, Infrastructure refers to the hardware running your Project, including the database, asset storage and global CDN. Infrastructure differs by Project tier. Please refer to Projects as well as the Infrastructure section on the Pricing page for side-by-side comparisons.

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting refers to technical limitations within Directus Cloud as well as Cloud Projects. You will encounter the following API request limits:

Starter50 requests per second per IP
Professional50 requests per second per IP
Business50 requests per second per IP
Enterprise100 requests per second per IP

Learn More

For details on other limitations, please see Cloud Policies.

Support Options

There are three types of support for Directus:

Community Support

Because Directus is an open-source Project, you're encouraged to reach out to the Community for help on Projects, and of course help others as well. Find us on GitHub and Discord to join the thousands of other developers all discussing and guiding the future of the Directus platform. Most common questions have already been asked and answered and can be easily searched.

No Guaranteed Response Time

While the Directus Core Team plays an active and engaged role in community discussions and aims to answer questions within a few days, there is no guaranteed response time for Community Support.

Basic and Premium Support

Basic and Premium Support offer direct communication with the Directus Core Team. Basic support is included on all Enterprise Projects, and Premium Support adds 24/7 response times for critical software issues only.

Add-on Support

Looking for Basic or Premium Support on a self-hosted Project? Contact Sales.

System Status

Click check in the Dashboard Header to navigate to the System Status page. This page is where to find out what happened in the super rare event that the network slows down or goes offline. Here you can view the current connectivity status of Directus Cloud, the status on individual Projects by URL and a daily Incidents log. For more information, see Cloud Policies.


Tenancy refers to how client data is stored within a database. In single-tenancy architecture, a database stores data from only one tenant. In multi-tenancy architecture, a database stores data from multiple tenants, with mechanisms in place to protect data privacy. In the context of Directus Cloud, each Project represents a tenant.

Professional Projects are created using a multi-tenant architecture. However, if your neighbor's Project gets busy, it will not impact your Project, because each Professional Project is scoped to one container per Project with dedicated minimum resources. Projects also have the ability to scale beyond this minimum allocation based on currently available resources within the multitenant pool. However, these additional resources are not guaranteed and are offered on a dynamic first-come, first-serve basis. For end-to-end, single-tenant infrastructure with fully dedicated resources, contact us about our Enterprise Tier

Databases on Enterprise Projects are single-tenant, 100% dedicated to your Project - no neighbors! Ready to upgrade to Enterprise? Contact us


This section refers to how your Cloud Project is stored alongside other Cloud Projects and has nothing to do with how you design your Project's data model. You can implement single or multi-tenant architecture within any Directus Cloud Project.