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Settings are key-value pairs that are stored in the database, and control different aspects of the project. Only administrators have access to manage Settings.

The Settings Object

id uuid
Primary key of the setting.

project_name string
Name of the project, shown in the Admin App.

project_descriptor string
Descriptor of the project, shown in the Admin App.

project_url string
Link to the (public) website that goes with this project.

report_feature_url string
Link to the feature request page.

report_bug_url string
Link to the bug report page.

report_error_url string
Link to the error report page. This is a template URL that has access to the following object

  error: {
    name?: string;
    message?: string;
  route: {
    fullPath: string;
    hash: string;
    name: string;
    path: string;
    query: string;
  navigator: {
    language: string;
    userAgent: string;
  user: {
    id?: string | number;
    first_name?: string;
    last_name?: string;
    title?: string;
    description?: string;
    location?: string;
    status?: string;
  role: {
    id?: string;
    name?: string;
  error: {
    name?: string;
    message?: string;
  route: {
    fullPath: string;
    hash: string;
    name: string;
    path: string;
    query: string;
  navigator: {
    language: string;
    userAgent: string;
  user: {
    id?: string | number;
    first_name?: string;
    last_name?: string;
    title?: string;
    description?: string;
    location?: string;
    status?: string;
  role: {
    id?: string;
    name?: string;

project_color string
Brand color for the current project.

project_logo many-to-one
Primary logo for the current project. Many-to-one to files.

public_foreground many-to-one
Foreground image for the Admin App's public pages. Many-to-one to files.

public_background many-to-one
Background image for the Admin App's public pages. Many-to-one to files.

public_favicon many-to-one
Favicon for the Data Studio. Many-to-one to files.

public_note string
Note shown on the Admin App's public pages. Supports Markdown.

default_appearance string
One of auto, light, dark.

default_theme_light string
Default theme to use in light mode.

default_theme_dark string
Default theme to use in dark mode.

theme_light_overrides json
Default customization for light theme in use.

theme_dark_overrides json
Default customization for dark theme in use.

auth_login_attempts integer
How often a user is allowed to try to login. After which times the user will be suspended.

auth_password_policy RegEx
What regex passwords must pass in order to be valid.

storage_asset_transform string
If the transform endpoints are allowed to be used on the assets endpoint. One of all, none or presets.

storage_asset_presets array
What preset keys exist in the assets endpoint.

custom_css string
CSS rules to override the App's default styling.

storage_default_folder uuid
Folder for uploaded files. Does not affect existing files.

basemaps array
Custom tiles to overriding the Mapbox defaults.

mapbox_key string
Mapbox Access Token.

module_bar array
What modules are enabled/added globally.

custom_aspect_ratios array
Custom aspect ratios in the image editor.

	"data": {
		"id": 1,
		"project_name": "Directus",
		"project_descriptor": "Application",
		"project_url": null,
		"report_error_url": null,
		"report_bug_url": null,
		"report_feature_url": null,
		"project_color": null,
		"project_logo": null,
		"public_foreground": null,
		"public_background": null,
		"public_note": null,
		"auth_login_attempts": 25,
		"auth_password_policy": null,
		"storage_asset_transform": "all",
		"storage_asset_presets": [
				"key": "small",
				"fit": "cover",
				"width": 200,
				"height": 161,
				"quality": 80,
				"withoutEnlargement": false
		"custom_css": null,
		"storage_default_folder": null,
		"basemaps": null,
		"mapbox_key": null,
		"module_bar": null,
		"custom_aspect_ratios": [
				"text": "16:10",
				"value": 1.6
	"data": {
		"id": 1,
		"project_name": "Directus",
		"project_descriptor": "Application",
		"project_url": null,
		"report_error_url": null,
		"report_bug_url": null,
		"report_feature_url": null,
		"project_color": null,
		"project_logo": null,
		"public_foreground": null,
		"public_background": null,
		"public_note": null,
		"auth_login_attempts": 25,
		"auth_password_policy": null,
		"storage_asset_transform": "all",
		"storage_asset_presets": [
				"key": "small",
				"fit": "cover",
				"width": 200,
				"height": 161,
				"quality": 80,
				"withoutEnlargement": false
		"custom_css": null,
		"storage_default_folder": null,
		"basemaps": null,
		"mapbox_key": null,
		"module_bar": null,
		"custom_aspect_ratios": [
				"text": "16:10",
				"value": 1.6

Retrieve Settings


Query Parameters

Supports all global query parameters.


Returns the settings object.


Update Settings


Query Parameters

Supports all global query parameters.

Request Body

A partial settings object.


Returns the settings object.
