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Relationships are a crucial part of any relational database. Directus supports all standard relationship types, as well as a few more of its own compound types, which are custom-tailored to make certain common but complex tasks a breeze.

Before You Begin

Regardless of the relationship you want to configure, we recommend you read every section of this document, in order, at least once. This is because you must understand how M2Os work in Directus to understand O2Ms, you must understand M2Os and O2Ms to understand M2Ms, etc.


The Data Studio makes the process of configuring relational data models easier, faster, and more intuitive by offering no-code configuration. Directus does not enforce opinionated schemas, rule systems, or other arbitrary limitations to your data models. Therefore, aside from any technical limitations of your project's infrastructure or core requirements for any relational data model, like having a primary key field for every collection or a data type assigned to every field, you are free to build the data model as you want.

In this guide, we will go over the following topics:

  • What kinds of relationships exist within Directus.
  • How to configure a desired relationship within the Data Studio.
  • How relationships are implemented in the data model and displayed in the Data Studio.
  • When it might be appropriate to use a given type of relationship.

By the end, you'll understand everything needed to start building data models in Directus, even if relational data model concepts are a new concept to you.

Directus vs Classic Data Model Terms

When we use classic data model terms, such as data table, column, row, etc... this signals that the explanation is focused strictly on what happens in the database. When Directus terminology is used, such as collection, field, item, etc... this signals that the explanation includes Directus logic and functionality.

Many-to-One (M2O)

In an M2O relationship, multiple items from the parent collection are linked to one item in a related collection. For example, there are many cities in a country, but a city can only be in one country.

To create an M2O relationship, we add a foreign key field to the parent collection, which links items from the parent collection to items in the related collection. If we have two tables, cities and countries, we can create a cities.country_id foreign key field.

Many-to-One Relational Diagram

Let's take a look at the schema.

- id
- name
- country_id (a foreign key field, stores a key from
- id
- name
- country_id (a foreign key field, stores a key from
- id
- name
- id
- name

Note the following things from the schema above:

  • An M2O relationship requires just one column within the parent table.
  • When an M2O relational field is configured in Directus, an Item Page on the parent collection will enable access to the item from the related collection. So in our example above, an Item Page in cities will enable access to the related country from the countries table.

However, in the Directus Data Studio, an M2O field does not automatically provide access to the parent collection's items within the related collection. In our example, this means that when you open an Item Page in countries, you will not see related cities.

This is where O2M fields come in to play.

Configure an M2O

The easiest way to configure an M2O field is to follow the guide on how to create a field (standard) and select the M2O Interface from the template wizard.

One-to-Many (O2M)

Within a relational database, an O2M relationship is the exact same type of relationship as an M2O. Remember, at the end of the M2O section, we learned that configuring an M2O in Directus does not let us access related items within an Item Page on the related collection. In Directus, configuring an O2M creates an Alias field, which lets us access related items. To demonstrate this, let's continue with the cities and countries example relationship used in the M2O section.

One-to-Many Relational Diagram

Let's take a look at the schema.

- id
- name
- cities (the O2M alias field, does not exist in the data table. Allows access to all cities linked to a country.)
- id
- name
- cities (the O2M alias field, does not exist in the data table. Allows access to all cities linked to a country.)
- id
- name
- country_id (the M2O field)
- id
- name
- country_id (the M2O field)

Note the following points from the schema above. When we create an O2M in Directus:

  • Since the perspective is flipped, we now consider countries to be the parent collection.
  • It isn't always necessary to create an O2M. In some cases, you won't want or need to access items from both sides.
  • At first glance, this O2M alias field might make it look and feel like a new column was created, but the O2M field is purely virtual. It creates an Interface within the Data Studio to access items from an O2M perspective. In other words, the O2M alias field allows us to access any related items from cities within an Item Details Page in the countries collection.

Configure an O2M

The easiest way to configure an O2M is to follow the guide on how to create a field (standard) and select the O2M alias field type from the template wizard.

One-to-One (O2O)

Directus does not include a dedicated One-to-One (O2O) relationship type or Interface. However, in the database, O2O is almost exactly the same as an M2O. The only difference is that an O2O enforces cardinality. In other words, one item from the parent collection can be linked with one item on the related collection, and vice-versa.

For example, each country has one capital city, and vice versa. This is an O2O. To demonstrate how it works, let's add this O2O to the cities and countries example relationship used in the previous sections.

The first strategy you may think of it to add a new capital_city field on the countries collection, storing the name of the capital city directly. But this would create duplicate data, because the same city would exist in both countries.capital_city as well as But remember, we want to avoid duplicate data!

Duplicate Data from Capital Cities

Instead, we want to use an O2O relationship. Let's try adding a cities.capital_of field.

An inefficient One-to-One Relationship

Let's take a look at the schema.

- id
- name
- country_id
- capital_of (The O2O field. Actually an M2O, configured to store unique values, stores foreign key from
- id
- name
- country_id
- capital_of (The O2O field. Actually an M2O, configured to store unique values, stores foreign key from
- id
- name
- cities
- id
- name
- cities

The O2O relationship in the schema above works, and in some cases it may not matter which collection to configure the O2O onto. But in this case it is sub-optimal. Since most cities are not capital cities, the column will mostly contain NULL values. However, every single country has a capital city. So if we create the O2O on the countries collection, it will be much more efficient.

A One-to-One Relationship

Let's take a look at the schema.

- id
- name
- cities
- capital_city (The O2O field. Actually an M2O, configured to store unique values, stores foreign key from
- id
- name
- cities
- capital_city (The O2O field. Actually an M2O, configured to store unique values, stores foreign key from
- id
- name
- country_id
- id
- name
- country_id

Note the following points from the schema above. When we create an O2O in Directus:

  • We can add the O2O field on either collection. However, in some cases it is more efficient to add it to a specific collection.
  • Since the O2O field is really just an M2O field behind the scenes, and since Directus doesn't automatically display M2O fields in the related collection, you may want to configure an O2M field so that you can access items from the related collection as well.

Configure an O2O

The easiest way to configure an O2O is to follow the guide on how to create a field (standard) and select the M2O field type from the template wizard. Then, configure the field's schema, toggling on Unique so that each value in the M2O field is unique, resulting in an O2O relationship.

Many-to-Many (M2M)

The relationship types we have seen so far only required one foreign key column to link the parent collection and related collection. An M2M relationship is composed of two foreign key columns stored within an additional table, called a junction table, which stores each linked row between the parent table and related table.

Junction tables are required in M2M relationships because the number of relationships created can (and often will!) outnumber the number of rows in either data table. In other words, if you have x rows in the parent column and y rows in the related column, you need room to store up to x * y rows. Junction tables provide a place to store all the relationships between rows, no matter how many exist.

To demonstrate this, let's think about the relationship between recipes and ingredients: a recipe can have many ingredients, and ingredients can be in many recipes.

Many-to-Many Relational Diagram

Let's take a look at the schema.

- id
- name
- ingredients (An M2M alias field. Does not exist in the database, allows access to ingredients linked from recipe_ingredients)
- id
- name
- ingredients (An M2M alias field. Does not exist in the database, allows access to ingredients linked from recipe_ingredients)
recipes_ingredients (junction collection)
- id
- recipe (stores foreign key from
- ingredient (stores foreign key from
- quantity (A "context" field. Stores other data associated with the relationship. These are optional.)
recipes_ingredients (junction collection)
- id
- recipe (stores foreign key from
- ingredient (stores foreign key from
- quantity (A "context" field. Stores other data associated with the relationship. These are optional.)
- id
- name
- id
- name

Note the following points from the schema above. When we create an M2M in Directus:

  • Our junction collection, recipe_ingredients, each row contains two foreign key columns. This is what creates the relationships between the two tables.
  • Assuming the M2M alias field is created within the recipes collection, Directus does not automatically add a field to display recipes within the ingredients collection. However, you can easily add such a field when creating the M2M field within the recipes collection, by clicking on Continue in Advanced Field Creation Mode, opening the Relationship tab and selecting Add M2M to "ingredients":
- id
- name
- recipes (an M2M alias field, does not exist in the database, enables access to all the recipes related to an ingredient)
- id
- name
- recipes (an M2M alias field, does not exist in the database, enables access to all the recipes related to an ingredient)
  • Notice that the junction collection also has a quantity field, which tracks how much of each ingredient is needed for the recipe. This is called a contextual field. The Data Studio provides full access to the junction collection, so you can add any number of contextual fields needed to the junction collection.
  • You can also have a self-referencing M2M relationship that connects items in the same collection. One example is "Related Articles", where each article relates to many other articles.

Configure an M2M

The easiest way to configure an M2M is to follow the guide on how to create a field (standard) and select Many to Many from the template wizard.

Many-to-Any (M2A)

Sometimes called a matrix field or replicator, an M2A relationship allows you to link items from the parent collection to any item in any collection in the database. When you configure an M2A in Directus, an M2A Alias field is created as well as a junction collection, like we saw on M2M relationships. The difference is that the junction collection on an M2A also has a field to store the collection key(the name of the collection) for related collections.

One common example of when M2As are used is for page builders, which have a pages collection that combines multiple collections for each type of page section, such as heading, text_bodies, image, video, etc.

Many-to-Any Relational Diagram

Let's take a look at the schema:

- id
- name
- sections (An M2A alias field, does not exist in the database. Provides access to items from page_sections.)
- id
- name
- sections (An M2A alias field, does not exist in the database. Provides access to items from page_sections.)
page_sections (junction collection)
- id
- pages_id (An M2O, stores foreign keys from
- collection (An M2O, stores name of the related collection, for example headings, text_bodies, or images.)
- item (An M2O, stores foreign keys from,,, etc.)
page_sections (junction collection)
- id
- pages_id (An M2O, stores foreign keys from
- collection (An M2O, stores name of the related collection, for example headings, text_bodies, or images.)
- item (An M2O, stores foreign keys from,,, etc.)
- id
- title
- id
- title
- id
- text
- id
- text
- id
- file
- id
- file

Note the following points from the schema above. When we create an M2A in Directus:

  • Compared to the M2O and M2M relationships, there may be a lower likelihood that you will need to configure alias fields on related collections, such as headings, text_bodies and images, as these collections may not be as useful without the parent collection.
  • Each collection has a unique collection name, so this serves as an adequate foreign key in the page_sections.collection field.

Configure an M2A

The easiest way to configure an M2A is to follow the guide on how to create a field (standard) and select the Many to Any Interface from the template wizard.

Translations (O2M)

Directus provides this special relational Interface designed specifically to handle translations. When you create a Translations O2M in the Data Studio, the following things happen within your data model. A Translations O2M alias field is created. A junction collection and a languages collection are created. All your translations are stored within context fields, configured by you, on the junction collection. Therefore, when you create a Translations O2M, you also create an M2M relationship behind the scenes. So remember, it is called the Translations O2M because we interact with the Translations O2M alias field. But behind the scenes, it is powered by an M2M.

To demonstrate, let's create a Translations O2M relationship for articles, a common content type that you may want to translate.

Translations O2M

Let's take a look at the schema.

- id
- author (a field that is not translated)
- date_published (a field that is not translated)
- translations (A Translations O2M alias field, does not exist within the data table. Allows access to items from article_translations)
- id
- author (a field that is not translated)
- date_published (a field that is not translated)
- translations (A Translations O2M alias field, does not exist within the data table. Allows access to items from article_translations)
- id
- article_id (an M2O, stores foreign key
- language_id (an M2O, stores foreign key languages.language_code)
- title (A context field, created by you. Stores a translation of the Article Title)
- text (A context field, created by you. Stores a translation of the Article Text)
- id
- article_id (an M2O, stores foreign key
- language_id (an M2O, stores foreign key languages.language_code)
- title (A context field, created by you. Stores a translation of the Article Title)
- text (A context field, created by you. Stores a translation of the Article Text)
- language_code (A primary key. A manually typed language code, e.g., "en-US")
- name  (Stores the language name, e.g., "English")
- language_code (A primary key. A manually typed language code, e.g., "en-US")
- name  (Stores the language name, e.g., "English")

Note the following points from the schema above. When we create a Translations O2M:

  • As demonstrated by article_translations.title and article_translations.text, any translated fields should be added as context fields on the junction collection.
  • You are not bound to use this for translations. You can build your data model as desired. You could create individual fields for each translation, such as title_english, title_german, title_french, and so on. However, this is not easily extensible and it creates a sub-optimal experience to have every single translation of every field on the item details page. The Translations O2M alias field is designed specifically to make the translation process easier.
  • There may come a time when you want to make a pre-existing parent field translatable. To do this, you can duplicate a field, move it to the translation collection, and then delete the parent field. However, be aware that duplicating a field does not duplicate any existing field values.

Configure a Translations O2M

The easiest way to configure a Translations relationship is to follow the guide on how to create a field (standard) and select the Translations O2M Interface from the template wizard.