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Interfaces are how users interact with fields on the Item Detail page. These are the standard Selection interfaces.


A toggle form input with label named "Enabled"

A checkbox input that allows user to toggle value between on and off / true and false.

  • Types: Boolean
  • Default Value: true, false, null
  • Icon On: Icon that shows whenever the toggle is enabled.
  • Icon Off: Icon that shows whenever the toggle is disabled.
  • Color On: Color of the icon whenever the toggle is enabled.
  • Color Off: Color of the icon whenever the toggle is disabled.
  • Label: The text displayed to the user beside the toggle.


A date picker input. User can select a calendar date and input a time.

Date picker input that allows user to select a date and time.

  • Types: DateTime, Date, Time, Timestamp
  • Include Seconds: Show seconds in the interface
  • Use 24-Hour Format: Use 24 hour time system instead of 12 hour


A standard form text input

A standard form text input

Interface for repeating groups of fields.

You can use any Text & Number, Selection, or Other fields within a Repeater. Relational, Presentation, or Group fields are not allowed.

Value is stored as a JSON array of objects.

  • Types: JSON
  • Template: Add a JSON template that users that add to the field with a button click.
  • "Create New" Label: Label for the Create New button below the field on Item Detail page.
  • Sort: Method of sorting the items groups within the repeater.
  • Edit Fields: The configuration for fields within the Repeater.
    • Field: Name of the field.
    • Field Width: Width of field on the Item Detail page.
    • Type: Type of value.
    • Note: A helpful note for the user.
    • Interface: The interface to use for the fields.
    • Interface Options: Option configuration for the selected Interface.
    • Display: The display to use for the preview template.
    • Display Options: Option configuration for the selected Display.


An interactive map interface that shows a single point on the east coast of the United States. Map has buttons for zoom, search, and full screen.

Interface that shows geospatial data on an interactive map.

  • Types: Point, LineString, Polygon, Multipoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, Geometry (All), JSON
  • Default View: The default location and zoom settings on the map to show by default


A text input for color hex codes that allows user to select color modes

A color picker interface that allows users to input color codes and convert between different color modes.

  • Types: String
  • Opacity: Enable opacity values to be adjusted by the user.
  • Preset Colors: Preset colors that users can select.

A select input with a dropdown of options.

Input that allows user to select a value from a list of options.

  • Types: String, Integer, Big Integer, Float
  • Choices: Options for the dropdown.
    • Text: Label the user sees.
    • Value: Raw value that gets stored.
  • Allow Other: Allow user to enter custom values other than preset values.
  • Allow None: Allow user to deselect an option.
  • Icon: Icon displayed beside the dropdown.
  • Placeholder: Placeholder text for the dropdown.


A select input with a dropdown grid of icon choices.

Search input that allows user to select from a list of icons.

  • Types: String


A form input with multiple checkboxes.

Input that allows user to select multiple checkboxes.

  • Types: JSON, CSV
  • Choices: Options for the checkboxes.
    • Text: Label the user sees.
    • Value: Raw value that gets stored.
  • Allow Other: Allow user to enter custom values other than preset Choices.
  • Color: Color of the checkboxes.
  • Icon On: Icon that shows whenever a checkbox is checked.
  • Icon Off: Icon that shows whenever a checkbox is unchecked.
  • Items Shown: Number of checkboxes shown.

Checkboxes (Tree)

A form input with a nested tree of multiple parent and child checkboxes.

Nested tree of checkboxes that can be expanded or collapsed.

  • Types: JSON, CSV
  • Choices: Options for the checkbox tree.
    • Text: Label the user sees.
    • Value: Raw value that gets stored.
    • Children: Child checkboxes nested below the current choice.
  • Value Combining: Controls what value is stored when nested selections are made.

A select input where user can select multiple options from a dropdown.

Input that allows user to select multiple values from a list of options.

  • Types: JSON, CSV
  • Choices: Options for the dropdown.
    • Text: Label the user sees.
    • Value: Raw value that gets stored.
  • Allow Other: Allow user to enter custom values other than preset choices.
  • Allow None: Allow user to deselect an option.
  • Icon: Icon displayed beside the dropdown.
  • Placeholder: Placeholder text for the dropdown.

Radio Buttons

A radio button form input with different options to select

Radio button input that allows users to select a single value from multiple choices.

  • Types: String, Integer, Big Integer, Float
  • Choices: Options for the radio buttons.
    • Text: Label the user sees.
    • Value: Raw value that gets stored.
  • Allow Other: Allow user to enter custom values other than preset choices.
  • Color: Color of the radio buttons.
  • Icon On: Icon that shows whenever a radio buttons is checked.
  • Icon Off: Icon that shows whenever a radio buttons is unchecked.