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Directus / @directus/types / Settings

Type Alias: Settings ​

Settings: object

Defined in: settings.ts:34

Type declaration ​

auth_login_attempts ​

auth_login_attempts: number

auth_password_policy ​

auth_password_policy: string | null

basemaps ​

basemaps: any[] | null

custom_aspect_ratios ​

custom_aspect_ratios: CustomAspectRatio[] | null

custom_css ​

custom_css: string | null

default_appearance ​

default_appearance: "auto" | "light" | "dark"

default_language ​

default_language: string | null

default_theme_dark ​

default_theme_dark: string | null

default_theme_light ​

default_theme_light: string | null

id ​

id: 1

mapbox_key ​

mapbox_key: string | null

module_bar ​

module_bar: (SettingsModuleBarLink | SettingsModuleBarModule)[]

project_color ​

project_color: string | null

project_descriptor ​

project_descriptor: string | null

project_logo: string | null

project_name ​

project_name: string

project_url ​

project_url: string | null

public_background ​

public_background: { id: string; type: string; } | null

public_favicon ​

public_favicon: string | null

public_foreground ​

public_foreground: string | null

public_note ​

public_note: string | null

report_bug_url ​

report_bug_url: string | null

report_error_url ​

report_error_url: string | null

report_feature_url ​

report_feature_url: string | null

storage_asset_presets ​

storage_asset_presets: SettingsStorageAssetPreset[] | null

storage_asset_transform ​

storage_asset_transform: string

storage_default_folder ​

storage_default_folder: string | null

theme_dark_overrides ​

theme_dark_overrides: Record<string, unknown> | null

theme_light_overrides ​

theme_light_overrides: Record<string, unknown> | null