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Directus / @directus/sdk / rest / updateItemsBatch

Function: updateItemsBatch() ​

updateItemsBatch<Schema, Collection, TQuery>(collection, items, query?): RestCommand<IfAny<Schema, Record<string, any>, { [K in string | number | symbol]: Merge<MappedFunctionFields<Schema, UnpackList<IfAny<Schema, any, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>> extends FF ? MapFlatFields<UnpackList<IfAny<Schema, any, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>, FieldsWildcard<UnpackList<IfAny<(...), (...), (...)>>, Exclude<UnpackList<(...)>, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>, FF extends Record<string, string> ? FF<FF> : Record<string, string>> : never, PickRelationalFields<UnpackList<Mutable<(...)[(...)]>>> extends never ? never : { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Field extends keyof UnpackList<(...)> ? Extract<(...), (...)> extends RelatedCollection ? IsNullable<(...), (...), (...)> : never : never }>[K] }>[], Schema>

Update multiple items as batch.

Type Parameters ​

• Schema

• Collection extends string | number | symbol

• TQuery extends Query<Schema, Schema[Collection]>

Parameters ​

• collection: Collection

The collection of the items

• items: Partial<UnpackList<Schema[Collection]>>[]

The items to update

• query?: TQuery

Optional return data query

Returns ​

RestCommand<IfAny<Schema, Record<string, any>, { [K in string | number | symbol]: Merge<MappedFunctionFields<Schema, UnpackList<IfAny<Schema, any, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>> extends FF ? MapFlatFields<UnpackList<IfAny<Schema, any, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>, FieldsWildcard<UnpackList<IfAny<(...), (...), (...)>>, Exclude<UnpackList<(...)>, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>, FF extends Record<string, string> ? FF<FF> : Record<string, string>> : never, PickRelationalFields<UnpackList<Mutable<(...)[(...)]>>> extends never ? never : { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Field extends keyof UnpackList<(...)> ? Extract<(...), (...)> extends RelatedCollection ? IsNullable<(...), (...), (...)> : never : never }>[K] }>[], Schema>

Returns the item objects for the updated items.

Throws ​

Will throw if collection is empty

Throws ​

Will throw if collection is a core collection

Defined in ​
