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Directus / @directus/sdk / schema / CoreSchema

Interface: CoreSchema<Schema> ​

Defined in: schema/core.ts:23

Type Parameters ​

• Schema = any

Properties ​

directus_activity ​

directus_activity: IfAny<Schema, { action: string; collection: string; id: number; ip: null | string; item: string; origin: null | string; revisions: null | number[] | IfAny<Schema, { activity: number | IfAny<Schema, { id: number; action: string; user: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; ... 22 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ...; collection: string; data: null | Record<string, any>; delta: null | Record<string, any>; id: number; item: string; parent: null | number | IfAny<Schema, { id: number; activity: number | IfAny<Schema, { id: number; action: string; user: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; ... 24 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ...; version: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { collection: ... | ...; date_created: ... | ...; date_updated: ... | ...; delta: ... | ...; hash: string; id: string; item: string; key: string; name: ... | ...; user_created: ... | ... | ...; user_updated: ... | ... | ...; }, "directus_versions" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>; }, "directus_revisions" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[... & ...]> extends Item ? { [Field in (...) | (...) | (...)]: (...)[(...)] } & object : never : object>[]; timestamp: "datetime"; user: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; user_agent: null | string; }, "directus_activity" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_activity"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:24

directus_collections ​

directus_collections: DirectusCollection<Schema>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:25

directus_comments ​

directus_comments: IfAny<Schema, { collection: string | DirectusCollection<Schema>; comment: string; date_created: null | "datetime"; date_updated: null | "datetime"; id: string; item: string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; user_updated: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; }, "directus_comments" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_comments"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:26

directus_dashboards ​

directus_dashboards: IfAny<Schema, { color: null | string; date_created: null | "datetime"; icon: string; id: string; name: string; note: null | string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; }, "directus_dashboards" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_dashboards"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:27

directus_extensions ​

directus_extensions: DirectusExtension<Schema>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:28

directus_fields ​

directus_fields: DirectusField<Schema>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:29

directus_files ​

directus_files: IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_folders"]> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...> | null; }, "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema...; }, "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_folders"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<string, any>; modified_by: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; storage: string; filename_disk: string | null; filename_download: string; title: string | null; type: string | null; folder: string | IfAny<Schema, { ...; }, "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & { ...; }...; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | string[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; storage: string; filename_disk: string | null; filename_download: string; title: string | null; type: string | null; folder: string | IfAny<Schema, { ...; }, "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & { ...; }...; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_files"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:30

directus_flows ​

directus_flows: IfAny<Schema, { accountability: null | string; color: null | string; date_created: null | "datetime"; description: null | string; icon: null | string; id: string; name: string; operation: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { date_created: null | "datetime"; flow: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string | null; color: string | null; description: string | null; status: string; trigger: string | null; accountability: string | null; options: Record<...> | null; operation: string | ... 1 more ... | null; date_created: "datetime" | null; user_created: string | ... 1...; id: string; key: string; name: null | string; options: null | Record<string, any>; position_x: number; position_y: number; reject: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string | null; key: string; type: string; position_x: number; position_y: number; timestamp: string; options: Record<string, any> | null; ... 4 more ...; user_created: string | ... 1 more ... | null; }, "directus_operations" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends in...; resolve: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string | null; key: string; type: string; position_x: number; position_y: number; timestamp: string; options: Record<string, any> | null; ... 4 more ...; user_created: string | ... 1 more ... | null; }, "directus_operations" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends in...; timestamp: string; type: string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<..., ...>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: ...[] | ...[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; status: string; tags: null | ...[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<..., ...>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<..., ...>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; }, "directus_operations" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_operations"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; options: null | Record<string, any>; status: string; trigger: null | string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; }, "directus_flows" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_flows"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:31

directus_folders ​

directus_folders: IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; parent: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_folders"]> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...> | null; }, "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? Unpack...; }, "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_folders"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:32

directus_notifications ​

directus_notifications: IfAny<Schema, { collection: null | string; id: string; item: null | string; message: null | string; recipient: string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field i...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field i...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; sender: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; status: null | string; subject: string; timestamp: null | "datetime"; }, "directus_notifications" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_notifications"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:33

directus_operations ​

directus_operations: IfAny<Schema, { date_created: null | "datetime"; flow: string | IfAny<Schema, { accountability: null | string; color: null | string; date_created: null | "datetime"; description: null | string; icon: null | string; id: string; name: string; operation: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string | null; key: string; type: string; position_x: number; position_y: number; timestamp: string; options: Record<string, any> | null; resolve: string | ... 1 more ... | null; reject: string | ... 1 more ... | null; flow: string | IfAny<...>; date_created: "datetime" | null; user...; options: null | Record<string, any>; status: string; trigger: null | string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<..., ...>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: ...[] | ...[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; status: string; tags: null | ...[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<..., ...>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<..., ...>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; }, "directus_flows" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_flows"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; id: string; key: string; name: null | string; options: null | Record<string, any>; position_x: number; position_y: number; reject: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string | null; key: string; type: string; position_x: number; position_y: number; timestamp: string; options: Record<string, any> | null; resolve: string | ... 1 more ... | null; reject: string | ... 1 more ... | null; flow: string | IfAny<...>; date_created: "datetime" | null; user...; resolve: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string | null; key: string; type: string; position_x: number; position_y: number; timestamp: string; options: Record<string, any> | null; resolve: string | ... 1 more ... | null; reject: string | ... 1 more ... | null; flow: string | IfAny<...>; date_created: "datetime" | null; user...; timestamp: string; type: string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; }, "directus_operations" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_operations"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:34

directus_panels ​

directus_panels: IfAny<Schema, { color: null | string; dashboard: string | IfAny<Schema, { color: null | string; date_created: null | "datetime"; icon: string; id: string; name: string; note: null | string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<..., ...>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: ...[] | ...[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; status: string; tags: null | ...[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<..., ...>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<..., ...>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; }, "directus_dashboards" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_dashboards"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; date_created: null | "datetime"; height: number; icon: null | string; id: string; name: null | string; note: null | string; options: null | Record<string, any>; position_x: number; position_y: number; show_header: boolean; type: string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; width: number; }, "directus_panels" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_panels"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:35

directus_permissions ​

directus_permissions: IfAny<Schema, { action: string; collection: string; fields: null | string[]; id: number; permissions: null | Record<string, any>; policy: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: null | string; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: null | string; name: string; permissions: number[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: number; policy: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; ip_access: string | null; enforce_tfa: boolean; ... 4 more ...; roles: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field ...; roles: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { children: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: ...; description: ... | ...; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: ... | ...; policies: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; users: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: ... | ...; auth_data: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ... | ...; description: ... | ...; email: ... | ...; email_notifications: ... | ... | ...; external_identifier: ... | ...; first_name: ... | ...; id: string; language: ... | ...; last_access: ... | ...; last_name: ... | ...; last_page: ... | ...; location: ... | ...; password: ... | ...; policies: ... | ...; provider: string; role: ... | ... | ...; status: string; tags: ... | ...; tfa_secret: ... | ...; theme: ... | ...; theme_dark: ... | ...; theme_dark_overrides: ... | ...; theme_light: ... | ...; theme_light_overrides: ... | ...; title: ... | ...; token: ... | ...; }, "directus_users" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_policies"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; presets: null | Record<string, any>; validation: null | Record<string, any>; }, "directus_permissions" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_permissions"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:36

directus_presets ​

directus_presets: IfAny<Schema, { bookmark: null | string; collection: null | string; color: null | string; filter: null | Record<string, any>; icon: null | string; id: number; layout: null | string; layout_options: null | Record<string, any>; layout_query: null | Record<string, any>; refresh_interval: null | number; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; policy: ... | ...; role: ... | ...; sort: number; user: ... | ...; }, "directus_access" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; users: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: ... | ...; auth_data: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ... | ...; description: ... | ...; email: ... | ...; email_notifications: ... | ... | ...; external_identifier: ... | ...; first_name: ... | ...; id: string; language: ... | ...; last_access: ... | ...; last_name: ... | ...; last_page: ... | ...; location: ... | ...; password: ... | ...; policies: ... | ...; provider: string; role: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: st...; status: string; tags: ... | ...; tfa_secret: ... | ...; theme: ... | ...; theme_dark: ... | ...; theme_dark_overrides: ... | ...; theme_light: ... | ...; theme_light_overrides: ... | ...; title: ... | ...; token: ... | ...; }, "directus_users" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_roles"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; search: null | string; user: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; }, "directus_presets" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_presets"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:37

directus_relations ​

directus_relations: DirectusRelation<Schema>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:38

directus_roles ​

directus_roles: IfAny<Schema, { children: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; policy: string | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>; role: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; sort: number; user: string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: ... | ...; auth_data: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ... | ...; description: ... | ...; email: ... | ...; email_notifications: ... | ... | ...; external_identifier: ... | ...; first_name: ... | ...; id: string; language: ... | ...; last_access: ... | ...; last_name: ... | ...; last_page: ... | ...; location: ... | ...; password: ... | ...; policies: ... | ...; provider: string; role: ... | ... | ...; status: string; tags: ... | ...; tfa_secret: ... | ...; theme: ... | ...; theme_dark: ... | ...; theme_dark_overrides: ... | ...; theme_light: ... | ...; theme_light_overrides: ... | ...; title: ... | ...; token: ... | ...; }, "directus_users" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>; }, "directus_access" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[... & ...]> extends Item ? { [Field in (...) | (...) | (...)]: (...)[(...)] } & object : never : object>[]; users: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: ... | ...; description: ... | ...; duration: ... | ...; embed: unknown; filename_disk: ... | ...; filename_download: string; filesize: ... | ...; focal_point_x: ... | ...; focal_point_y: ... | ...; folder: ... | ... | ...; height: ... | ...; id: string; location: ... | ...; metadata: ... | ...; modified_by: ... | ... | ...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: ... | ...; title: ... | ...; type: ... | ...; uploaded_by: ... | ... | ...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: ... | ...; }, "directus_files" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: ...; app_access: ...; description: ...; enforce_tfa: ...; icon: ...; id: ...; ip_access: ...; name: ...; permissions: ...; roles: ...; users: ...; }, ... extends ... ? ... : ...>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[... & ...]> extends Item ? { [Field in (...) | (...) | (...)]: (...)[(...)] } & object : never : object>[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_roles"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:39

directus_settings ​

directus_settings: IfAny<Schema>

Defined in: schema/core.ts:40

directus_shares ​

directus_shares: IfAny<Schema, { collection: null | string; date_created: null | "datetime"; date_end: null | "datetime"; date_start: null | "datetime"; id: string; item: null | string; max_uses: null | number; name: null | string; password: null | string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; policy: ... | ...; role: ... | ...; sort: number; user: ... | ...; }, "directus_access" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; users: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: ... | ...; auth_data: ... | ...; avatar: ... | ... | ...; description: ... | ...; email: ... | ...; email_notifications: ... | ... | ...; external_identifier: ... | ...; first_name: ... | ...; id: string; language: ... | ...; last_access: ... | ...; last_name: ... | ...; last_page: ... | ...; location: ... | ...; password: ... | ...; policies: ... | ...; provider: string; role: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: st...; status: string; tags: ... | ...; tfa_secret: ... | ...; theme: ... | ...; theme_dark: ... | ...; theme_dark_overrides: ... | ...; theme_light: ... | ...; theme_light_overrides: ... | ...; title: ... | ...; token: ... | ...; }, "directus_users" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_roles"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; times_used: null | number; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; }, "directus_shares" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_shares"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:41

directus_users ​

directus_users: IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_folders"]> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...> | null; }, "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema...; }, "directus_folders" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<string, any>; modified_by: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field i...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | string[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field i...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_files"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: null | string; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: null | string; name: string; permissions: number[] | IfAny<Schema, { action: ...; collection: ...; fields: ...; id: ...; permissions: ...; policy: ...; presets: ...; validation: ...; }, ... extends ... ? ... : ...>[]; roles: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...; description: ...; icon: ...; id: ...; name: ...; parent: ...; policies: ...; users: ...; }, ... extends ... ? ... : ...>[]; users: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field i...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[... & ...]> extends Item ? { [Field in (...) | (...) | (...)]: (...)[(...)] } & object : never : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; policy: ... | ...; role: ... | ...; sort: number; user: ... | ...; }, "directus_access" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; users: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field i...; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_roles"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:42

directus_versions ​

directus_versions: IfAny<Schema, { collection: string | DirectusCollection<Schema>; date_created: null | "datetime"; date_updated: null | "datetime"; delta: null | Record<string, any>; hash: string; id: string; item: string; key: string; name: null | string; user_created: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; user_updated: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { appearance: null | string; auth_data: null | Record<string, any>; avatar: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { charset: null | string; description: null | string; duration: null | number; embed: unknown; filename_disk: null | string; filename_download: string; filesize: null | string; focal_point_x: null | number; focal_point_y: null | number; folder: null | string | IfAny<..., ..., ...>; height: null | number; id: string; location: null | string; metadata: null | Record<..., ...>; modified_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; modified_on: "datetime"; storage: string; tags: null | ...[]; title: null | string; type: null | string; uploaded_by: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; first_name: string | null; last_name: string | null; email: string | null; password: string | null; location: string | null; title: string | null; ... 20 more ...; policies: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? {...; uploaded_on: "datetime"; width: null | number; }, "directus_files" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; description: null | string; email: null | string; email_notifications: null | boolean; external_identifier: null | string; first_name: null | string; id: string; language: null | string; last_access: null | "datetime"; last_name: null | string; last_page: null | string; location: null | string; password: null | string; policies: string[] | IfAny<Schema, { admin_access: boolean; app_access: boolean; description: ... | ...; enforce_tfa: boolean; icon: string; id: string; ip_access: ... | ...; name: string; permissions: ... | ...; roles: ... | ...; users: ... | ...; }, "directus_policies" extends keyof ... ? ... extends ... ? ... : ... : object>[]; provider: string; role: null | string | IfAny<Schema, { children: ...[] | ...[]; description: null | string; icon: string; id: string; name: string; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, { id: string; name: string; icon: string; description: string | null; parent: string | IfAny<Schema, ..., "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends infer Item ? { [Field in Exclude<...>]: Item[Field]; } & ... : never : ...>; children: string[] | IfAny<...>[]; policies: string[] | ...; policies: ...[] | ...[]; users: ...[] | ...[]; }, "directus_roles" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<...> extends Item ? ... & ... : never : object>; status: string; tags: null | string[]; tfa_secret: null | string; theme: null | string; theme_dark: null | string; theme_dark_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; theme_light: null | string; theme_light_overrides: null | Record<string, unknown>; title: null | string; token: null | string; }, "directus_users" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof ... & "directus_users"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>; }, "directus_versions" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_versions"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:43

directus_webhooks ​

directus_webhooks: IfAny<Schema, { actions: string | string[]; collections: string | string[]; data: boolean; headers: null | Record<string, any>; id: number; method: string; name: string; status: string; url: string; }, "directus_webhooks" extends keyof Schema ? UnpackList<Schema[keyof Schema & "directus_webhooks"]> extends Item ? { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Item[Field] } & object : never : object>[]

Defined in: schema/core.ts:44