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Directus / @directus/memory / index / CacheConfigRedis

Interface: CacheConfigRedis ​

Defined in: packages/memory/src/cache/types/config.ts:23

Extends ​

Properties ​

compression? ​

optional compression: boolean

Defined in: packages/memory/src/cache/types/config.ts:36

Enable Gzip compression

Default ​


compressionMinSize? ​

optional compressionMinSize: number

Defined in: packages/memory/src/cache/types/config.ts:46

Minimum byte size of the value before compression is enabled.

There's a trade-off in size versus time spent compressing values with Gzip. For values lower than ~1k in byte size, the juice isn't worth the squeeze

Default ​


namespace ​

namespace: string

Defined in: packages/memory/src/cache/types/config.ts:29

Used to prefix the keys

redis ​

redis: Redis

Defined in: packages/memory/src/cache/types/config.ts:51

Existing or new Redis connection to use with this memory class

type ​

type: "redis"

Defined in: packages/memory/src/cache/types/config.ts:24

Where the data is stored

local - Local memory redis - Redis instance multi - Multi-stage cache. In-memory as L1, Redis as L2

Overrides ​
