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Directus / @directus/sdk / types / QueryItem

Interface: QueryItem<Schema, Item> ​

Defined in: types/query.ts:25

All query options with an additional version query option for readItem and readSingleton

Extends ​

Type Parameters ​

• Schema

• Item

Properties ​

alias? ​

readonly optional alias: IfAny<Schema, Record<string, string>, QueryAlias<Schema, Item>>

Defined in: types/query.ts:19

Inherited from ​


deep? ​

optional deep: IfAny<Schema, Record<string, any>, QueryDeep<Schema, Item>>

Defined in: types/query.ts:18

Inherited from ​


fields? ​

readonly optional fields: IfAny<Schema, (string | Record<string, any>)[], QueryFields<Schema, Item>>

Defined in: types/query.ts:11

Inherited from ​


filter? ​

optional filter: IfAny<Schema, Record<string, any>, QueryFilter<Schema, Item>>

Defined in: types/query.ts:12

Inherited from ​


limit? ​

optional limit: number

Defined in: types/query.ts:15

Inherited from ​


offset? ​

optional offset: number

Defined in: types/query.ts:16

Inherited from ​


page? ​

optional page: number

Defined in: types/query.ts:17

Inherited from ​

optional search: string

Defined in: types/query.ts:13

Inherited from ​

sort? ​

optional sort: IfAny<Schema, string | string[], QuerySort<Schema, Item> | QuerySort<Schema, Item>[]>

Defined in: types/query.ts:14

Inherited from ​


version? ​

readonly optional version: string

Defined in: types/query.ts:26

versionRaw? ​

readonly optional versionRaw: boolean

Defined in: types/query.ts:27