Directus / @directus/sdk / rest / readCollections
Function: readCollections() ​
>, { [K in string | number | symbol]: Merge<MappedFunctionFields<Schema, DirectusCollection<Schema>> extends FF ? MapFlatFields<DirectusCollection<Schema>, keyof DirectusCollection<Schema>, FF extends Record<string, string> ? FF<FF> : Record<string, string>> : never, {}>[K] }>[],Schema
Defined in: rest/commands/read/collections.ts:17
List the available collections.
Type Parameters ​
• Schema
Returns ​
, Record
, any
>, { [K in string | number | symbol]: Merge<MappedFunctionFields<Schema, DirectusCollection<Schema>> extends FF ? MapFlatFields<DirectusCollection<Schema>, keyof DirectusCollection<Schema>, FF extends Record<string, string> ? FF<FF> : Record<string, string>> : never, {}>[K] }>[], Schema
An array of collection objects.