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Directus / @directus/sdk / types / AggregationOutput

Type Alias: AggregationOutput<Schema, Collection, Options> ​

AggregationOutput<Schema, Collection, Options>: Options["groupBy"] extends string[] ? UnpackList<GetCollection<Schema, Collection>> extends infer Item ? Item extends object ? MappedFunctionFields<Schema, Item> extends infer FieldMap ? MappedFieldNames<Schema, Item> extends infer NamesMap ? { [Field in UnpackList<(...)> as TranslateFunctionField<(...), (...)>]: (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...) } : never : never : never : never : object & { [Func in keyof Options["aggregate"]]: Func extends keyof AggregationTypes ? Options["aggregate"][Func] extends string[] ? { [Field in UnpackList<Options["aggregate"][Func]>]: Field extends "*" ? AggregationTypes[Func]["output"] : { [SubField in Field]: (...)[(...)] }[Field] } : Options["aggregate"][Func] extends string ? Options["aggregate"][Func] extends "*" ? AggregationTypes[Func]["output"] : { [SubField in (...)[(...)]]: (...)[(...)] }[(...)[(...)][Func]] : never : never }[]

Output typing for aggregation

Type Parameters ​

• Schema

• Collection extends AllCollections<Schema>

• Options extends AggregationOptions<Schema, Collection>

Defined in ​
