Directus / @directus/sdk / rest / updateUsersBatch
Function: updateUsersBatch() ​
>, { [K in string | number | symbol]: Merge<MappedFunctionFields<Schema, UnpackList<IfAny<Schema, { appearance: ...; auth_data: ...; avatar: ...; description: ...; email: ...; email_notifications: ...; external_identifier: ...; first_name: ...; id: ...; language: ...; last_access: ...; last_name: ...; last_page: ...; location: ...; password: ...; policies: ...; provider: ...; role: ...; status: ...; tags: ...; tfa_secret: ...; theme: ...; theme_dark: ...; theme_dark_overrides: ...; theme_light: ...; theme_light_overrides: ...; title: ...; token: ... }, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>> extends FF ? MapFlatFields<UnpackList<IfAny<Schema, { appearance: ...; auth_data: ...; avatar: ...; description: ...; email: ...; email_notifications: ...; external_identifier: ...; first_name: ...; id: ...; language: ...; last_access: ...; last_name: ...; last_page: ...; location: ...; password: ...; policies: ...; provider: ...; role: ...; status: ...; tags: ...; tfa_secret: ...; theme: ...; theme_dark: ...; theme_dark_overrides: ...; theme_light: ...; theme_light_overrides: ...; title: ...; token: ... }, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>, FieldsWildcard<UnpackList<IfAny<(...), (...), (...)>>, Exclude<UnpackList<(...)>, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>, FF extends Record<string, string> ? FF<FF> : Record<string, string>> : never, PickRelationalFields<UnpackList<Mutable<(...)[(...)]>>> extends never ? never : { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Field extends keyof UnpackList<(...)> ? Extract<(...), (...)> extends RelatedCollection ? IsNullable<(...), (...), (...)> : never : never }>[K] }>[],Schema
Defined in: rest/commands/update/users.ts:48
Update multiple users as batch.
Type Parameters ​
• Schema
• TQuery extends Query
, DirectusUser
Parameters ​
items ​
The user data to update
query? ​
Optional return data query
Returns ​
, Record
, any
>, { [K in string | number | symbol]: Merge<MappedFunctionFields<Schema, UnpackList<IfAny<Schema, { appearance: ...; auth_data: ...; avatar: ...; description: ...; email: ...; email_notifications: ...; external_identifier: ...; first_name: ...; id: ...; language: ...; last_access: ...; last_name: ...; last_page: ...; location: ...; password: ...; policies: ...; provider: ...; role: ...; status: ...; tags: ...; tfa_secret: ...; theme: ...; theme_dark: ...; theme_dark_overrides: ...; theme_light: ...; theme_light_overrides: ...; title: ...; token: ... }, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>> extends FF ? MapFlatFields<UnpackList<IfAny<Schema, { appearance: ...; auth_data: ...; avatar: ...; description: ...; email: ...; email_notifications: ...; external_identifier: ...; first_name: ...; id: ...; language: ...; last_access: ...; last_name: ...; last_page: ...; location: ...; password: ...; policies: ...; provider: ...; role: ...; status: ...; tags: ...; tfa_secret: ...; theme: ...; theme_dark: ...; theme_dark_overrides: ...; theme_light: ...; theme_light_overrides: ...; title: ...; token: ... }, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>, FieldsWildcard<UnpackList<IfAny<(...), (...), (...)>>, Exclude<UnpackList<(...)>, (...) extends (...) ? (...) : (...)>>, FF extends Record<string, string> ? FF<FF> : Record<string, string>> : never, PickRelationalFields<UnpackList<Mutable<(...)[(...)]>>> extends never ? never : { [Field in string | number | symbol]: Field extends keyof UnpackList<(...)> ? Extract<(...), (...)> extends RelatedCollection ? IsNullable<(...), (...), (...)> : never : never }>[K] }>[], Schema
Returns the user objects for the updated users.