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Directus / @directus/memory


Directus has various different needs for ephemeral storage that's synced between multiple processes for the same Directus Projects. To streamline that setup, this package exports three classes that are used for everything related to ephemeral storage:


The Kv class is a simple key-value store

Basic Usage

import { createKv } from '@directus/memory';

const cache = createKv({
	type: 'memory',

await cache.set('my-key', 'my-value');
import { createKv } from '@directus/memory';

const cache = createKv({
	type: 'memory',

await cache.set('my-key', 'my-value');


The cache class is a Kv class extended with an LRU store

Basic Usage

import { createCache } from '@directus/memory';

const cache = createCache({
	type: 'memory',
	maxKeys: 500,

await cache.set('my-key', 'my-value');
import { createCache } from '@directus/memory';

const cache = createCache({
	type: 'memory',
	maxKeys: 500,

await cache.set('my-key', 'my-value');


The bus class is a pub-sub abstraction. The memory type bus just handles local handlers, which adds no benefit next to having a shared API for using pubsub.

Basic Usage

import { Redis } from 'ioredis';
import { createBus } from '@directus/memory';

const bus = createBus({
	type: 'redis',
	redis: new Redis(),
	namespace: 'directus',
import { Redis } from 'ioredis';
import { createBus } from '@directus/memory';

const bus = createBus({
	type: 'redis',
	redis: new Redis(),
	namespace: 'directus',


The limiter class is a basic shared rate limiter.

Basic Usage

import { createLimiter } from '@directus/memory';

const limiter = createLimiter({
	type: 'memory',
	points: 10,
	duration: 5,
import { createLimiter } from '@directus/memory';

const limiter = createLimiter({
	type: 'memory',
	points: 10,
	duration: 5,