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Directus Cloud

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Directus +

Headless LMS

The LMS (Learning Management System) starter kit provides a pre-built data model and schema to help you quickly build a learning platform on Directus.


The LMS starter kit includes tables for:

  • Courses - Title, description, status, published date, etc.
  • Modules - Sections within a course
  • Lessons - Individual lessons with video, content, transcripts, etc.
  • Topics - Subject categories that courses can be organized under
  • Tracks - Collections of related courses
  • Enrollments - User enrollments in courses
  • Instructors - Course instructors
  • Comments - Discussions on lessons
  • Resources - Downloads and links for lessons
  • Reviews - Course reviews and ratings

It has all the data models you need to build courses, content, enrollments, and more out of the box.


The frontend is decoupled so you have flexibility in choosing a front-end framework like React/Next/Remix, Vue / Nuxt, Svelte, Astro, etc. But the backend gives you everything needed for an LMS.

Use Cases

The LMS starter kit is great for:

  • Building a learning platform from scratch
  • MVP for an online course business
  • Employee training portal
  • E-learning side project

Since it has all the core LMS functionality built-in, you can focus on creating exceptional learning experiences rather than building the backend.